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Cloverfield! (SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Anybody else see this awesome movie?

Just a fantastic movie. Great effects, great atmosphere and very well done.

I am gonna see it again cause I like it that much. Plus there was a few hidden things I must have missed that I heard a number of people discussing on message boards.

This film was very unique and made you feel like you were watching archived footage. Just amazing.

Please, I don't wanna hear any comments about needing answers or things being too far-fetched. It's a goddamn movie, it is hear for entertainment, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
It was a great movie. I am lost with words to how amazing it was. All I have to say its like going to watch the New Indiana jones movie.
I was very hyped for it and it delivered.  I have heard people complaining that it didn't answer questions, but I think thats what makes it great.  it gets you wondering and researching on the net.  There are some answers, you just have to look for them.
I loved the part where they played the "Help us" then backwards it said "Its still alive"
Did you get what the monsters spoused to be?
Maybe I should have made this a spoiler, I don't want to give too much away for people that have yet to see it.  But, yes, I heard about the audio at the end but didn't stay til the end.  Not sure what you mean about what the monster is supposed to be.  Abrams just said it is something that has been in the ocean for thousands of years.

Yeah but, if you stayed theres a clip at the end only about a month earlier that shows an object fall into the water. Then you see the main characters having a omantic evening
I did see that, you're right, but people are saying they are not sure what that was.  And if it was the monster, how did it get so big in a month?  Rumor has it it is a satellite, but who knows?  Maybe Abrams will tell us eventually.
Cloverfeild 2 is what im thinking. Some people say that it is a satellte but, look at the obvious facts. Some may deny, some may accept.
Those things were vicious.  They reminded me of the Starship Trooper Bugs.  Plus, what they did to that girl...yikes, that was unexpected.
Lets not get to the girl..She got wreaked up!. Yes, they do remind me of the Starship Trooper Bugs(They were quite vicious too!).
*Laughs out loud* You know at first I started to think that coverfeild was godzilla but, I now know that the french have a big surprise coming there way.
I went to see it yesterday, thought it was very well done. Seems like people either really like it or hate it though, from what I gather. The only thing that threw me off was the shaky cam, I was dizzy for the first 20 minutes. D: Ironically when they start running/things happening, the motion sickness was less severe than when they're just calmly walking.

And yeah, kudos on its marketing.



I find it retarded that people's major complaint are the lack of answers when the whole point of the movie was about how humans react during a major crisis.  Normally, monster movies focus on the monsters and humans are made out to be the badguys but Cloverfield was a complete turnaround in the genre.  How the hell are you supposed KNOW what the monster is when the story revolves around a bunch of dorky teenagers?  Did people honestly expect a guy in a white lab coat to pop up and go "oh yes, zis is ze monster from ze paleolithic age!"

I swear, the average movie goer doesn't like anything that isn't force fed down their throats.

As far as the sequel goes, there won't be one (at least that's what the original writer said; he refuses to write a sequel so they'll have to get a new writer).  There is a graphic novel prequel that takes place in Japan and it's under construction.  Abrams has stated that the monster is a "baby" and it attacked the city because something woke it up and it was panicked and confused.  The parasites were leeches that lived off it underwater similar to how brine attach themselves to wales.  Pretty much everyone is guessing that some sort of drilling or military activity woke it up but since the prequel is in Japan it was probably some scientific research or seismic activity or some other bullshit.

Oh yeah, they're adding Slusho into the story.  It's the name of the research company Rob supposedly worked for.  It sounds like a dumb retcon because Slusho was just the codename they were working with to keep the project a secret.
Marcus":3qbxc9oz said:
I find it retarded that people's major complaint are the lack of answers when the whole point of the movie was about how humans react during a major crisis.  Normally, monster movies focus on the monsters and humans are made out to be the badguys but Cloverfield was a complete turnaround in the genre.  How the hell are you supposed KNOW what the monster is when the story revolves around a bunch of dorky teenagers?  Did people honestly expect a guy in a white lab coat to pop up and go "oh yes, zis is ze monster from ze paleolithic age!"
Qft. The confusion was part of what made it interesting, as it added to the first person perspective and the feel of actually being there.
Volrath and I checked it out this afternoon. Great movie. Glad I didn't eat beforehand though. I wonder if anyone else stuck around for the credits. A chilling epic by Michael Giacchino plays in the background. It reminded me of the orchestrated track for Godzilla.

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