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Chrctr Sketches of Endtime Game "SouLWaKe:SwordoftheSpirit"



dsoulja85":3qh7h9et said:
is the girl giant and attacking Egypt
Hi again!
hmm so you still got problem with the hands?
Did you try to check your hand in the mirror? with the pose you want?
Why the hand look wrong on the main character with the sword: Well if you look at it, it look like the thumb is towards us instead on the other side of the hand then you forgot to give him the pinky finger that should be towards us :P

And some comments on the character art
Give krystal some hips! she is a woman afterall! :D
Thanks ellenor for reminding me ;) i'll try to fix that up here in a day or so it is long overdue and ya your the first who said anything about her hips, much appreciated, i've just been having alot of ideas for the game and such lately, and i've been hella spritehappy, speakin of that are you working on a game? i noticed your character in the avatar and was curious,
his hands are lacking, its like the body of the hand ends too soon and he doesnt have any knuckles. the part before the finger start is too thin. theyre just odd and wrong, look at your hand in the mirror in the same position and compare to the drawing and youll see what im talking about.

also, the light source seems to be inconsistent, its all good on the clothing, but when you did the highlights on his skin your light source changed to like a straight on. it looks like you went for like a luminescent kinda look, but the light would still effect him in a similar way as the clothing
thanks gulch, ya i was goin for a bit of a glow on his skin, thanks for mentioning that when i go back to do touchups on these i'll add some more light to that side

heres the 7th character of my game, this is Terry. now you can see why i mentioned master roshi (the shades) ;P

I think I've definetly improved over the last few months with paint.net, any comments on this pic? i want to resize it and create a faceset from it.



The characters look good, and the faceset for your main character looks pretty good too!
Except I have to say, the titlescreen looks bad. The faded girl's face looks really wierd because it looks huge. Also, it looks like fireworks are being shot out of a pyramid, and the game's name does not fit well with the rest of it.
-- I would consider revising it (again) if I were you.
thanks numb, ya definetly needs to be changed out, its just the only thing i could think for it at the time... thanks for reminding me about that :)


hopin to get some c&c for a pic i just finished up, its in youtubevid format cause i havent uploaded just the pic yet ;) check it out and comment and i'll return the favor

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