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Chrctr Sketches of Endtime Game "SouLWaKe:SwordoftheSpirit"

so anatomy, proportion and functionality alright. . but can you outline what part of the proportion and anatomy i should work on, for her ? ya why would that piss off the sketch line and ya I'm goin back in to shade it up soon as i can
I used mannequins to figure out where stuff goes for a really long time before i just started drawing them myself. Try that maybe, or circles. All it takes is practice really, and as far as i can tell youre doing pretty good for yourself. I think where you went wrong is how you connected her hips to her legs, that part confused me too. Ill draw up something and scan it for joo. Stupid wacom is dead

edit, did some quick sketching :smile:



Thats the basics i think, in anime youll probably learn to distort it enough so that it looks like you can bounce a grain of sand on her ass, thats all up to you though



badmonur":1uc2lyda said:
Thats the basics i think, in anime youll probably learn to distort it enough so that it looks like you can bounce a grain of sand on her ass, thats all up to you though
True, oh so true.
But you seem to like drawing as though a grain of rice will destroy the skin and turn them into a slobbering, diseased monster lol (they look good tho)
Thought I'd try my coloring skill, any useful tips or any feedback at all is appreciated ! this is the main hero of my upcoming game, his name is undecided for now. in the game he loses his memory so you probably choose for yourself anyway i'm still debating on it! but check it out


For your colored pic you should remember where the light comes from and what it affects.
Obviously your light source is the top left so you need to put shadow to the hair(I would actually put light there) and the clothes as well, not only the skin. You have your folds in the clothes which give extra shadow too.

@ lune - yup he will most definetly be an alive pet. well i don't know if i'd say that hehe, because in the world of ruin if it wasnt for him you wouldnt be able to cross continents at all, if u catch what i'm sayin? he is one of the MANY animals that are affected by the radiation when the chemical attack happens but his spirit is still intact, and theres actually a few animals like this you'll encounter in the game, its kind of a free will thing.

I STILL have a lot of shading to do but i just wanted to post so everyone could see the progress and i wanted to see what the characters lookd like side by side. if any of the colors look out of place please let me know! thanks!

Added some shading and more detail to the characters, next i'll either sketch some of the scenery from different locations in the game or start on the next character? either way i cant stop now

finished another sketch, just lookn for some feedback to help out, i really wish i had photoshop!! nah i think i've made up my mind.. I'm buying it for sure. Not just for rpgs but i just wanna improve my overall experience with graphic art, well thanks for takn the timeto check my stuff out hope u enjoy

you didnt fix the hand, its still on the wrong arm, oh and the perspective on that sword stuck in the ground is way off, it looks like its twisted
ya i tried to get the hand the best i can, i'll try to find some poses online in the same perspective cause its been givin me hell for so long but the sword is supposed to be leaning abit because i kind of thought of the sword coming outta the sky at a angle, plus at the time when it falls outta heaven theirs this wickd storm and i didnt wanna have it perfectly up and down but thanksfor mentioning that, when i reedit i'll fix it up a little

I FINALLY got colours that look decent on her, I'm trying to keep it where the colors of the other characters don't look too much alike,





to fix the hand you need to bend the thumb in toward the fingers at the knuckle a tad and the pinky needs to be smaller. The outline for the pinky finger mustn't stop where it does, instead you should continue the line up to the wrist and really darken off the thumb to emphasize the it is behind the rest of the hand
:) hope it helps
and the body of the hand is too small compared to the size of the fingers, personally i would just erase and redraw it, still looks like its the left hand stuck on the right arm
New character up for feedback, His name is Michael. this is the first of his 2 or 3 forms. He is a etheral spirit being transmitting himself to earth, He is lightyears into space currently battling a great war in heaven. as he gets closer his form changes greatly. what do you think?

I wanna comment on the title screen, which imo you should really revisit. Photoshop filters + random character art do not an aesthetic title screen make. You want something a lot more utilitarian--less is really more here.

Lemme give you some examples.


Highly successful indie game, and yet the title screen is that minimalistic. But it's well designed, so it's totally fine for it to look like that. You really don't need much to get the idea across.


Another indie game, and an RM one at that. Again, just the title and a small logo.


The text is elaborate, but you don't even really need that. See the above ones. A lot of games just do the title + company info.


Slightly more elaborate than the above ones, but you see how it's still basically utilitarian. There isn't stuff crammed in every corner; it's mostly dark with one focal point in the center.


Again, stuff is going on, but the focus is still on the title. The background pattern is subtle enough that it's not distracting.

Actually, you know, this is something a lot of developers need to realize.

/me copies and hustles off to GDD.
@ Peri - thanks for reminding me about that!! that definetely needs a total makeover now that you mention it. yea ur right about those titlescreens, ALOT of those classic rpg titles were really basic when you think about it. I think I have a great idea for a graphic that wont be too hard to produce, I'm thinking about a shadow outline of 2-4 of the characters in different poses in the foreground, and a setting sun among a pyramid for the background. and i wanna keep the environment overall dark, with nibiru near the sun like i did with my other pic but i need to get a more professional feel goin for it far as graphics go, would you recommend youtube for that? because those things are pretty basic , but i appreciate your critique Peri, and hey whats GDD :?
dsoulja, please read this thread.

Don't have character art in your title screen. Trust me on this. Your description sounds really busy, anyway--you want the title and the selection options and the developer info and maybe like ONE other thing, period.

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