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Chrctr Sketches of Endtime Game "SouLWaKe:SwordoftheSpirit"


Title Screen



Well heres some of the new sketches i'm working on for the game, I gotta Orb my sisters photoshop so i can start coloring and editing!!, ANY feedback or helpful critisizm is appreciated Big time

-BTW, the game will span over a period of 7 years, THESE PICS are of the heros in basically a World of Balance, (pre-apocalyptic times!)
-World of Ruin (post-apocalyptic time) will feature the heros more rugged like with armor and weapons, being war-hardened!

](Main Character) ??? - 16
Skill: Skateboarding/Guitar/Spirit Bomb (Much like Gokus :) )
Quote: "I Can't stop havin these visions, I gotta keep with it..."

Kaleb - 18
Skill: Streefighting/Streetsmarts
Quote: "I Gotta get outta tha game"

Amy "Skye" Woodward - 15
Skill: Tech/Charm
Quote: "RawR means I love you in dino!"

Hailey Lynn Majors - 8
Skill: Animal Sense/Prayer
Quote: "Daddy, where are you?"

Krystal Bailey - 15
Skill: Heal/Float/???
Quote: "Is love a fantasy?"

Terry Matlock
Skill: Remote Viewing/Advanced Weaponry/Piloting

NON-Playable Characters

The 4 Keepers - Abaddon(Earth),Jezebel(Water),Lucifer(Air), and Moloch(Fire)

Abaddon(Greek: Apollyon) - The Destroyer
Scripture Relevance
REVELATION 9:11 They have as king over them, the angel of the Abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon.
REVELATION 9:1 And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; 2 he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft.
REVELATION 9:3 Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth; 4 they were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green growth or any tree, but only those of mankind who have not the seal of God upon their foreheads; 5 they were allowed to torture them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torture was like the torture of a scorpion, when it stings a man. 6 And in those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death will fly from them.
Demonic monsters are released which fly like locusts (Exodus 10:12-20; Joel 1:4, 2:4-14) and sting like scorpions (Ezekiel 2:6, Lk 11:12).
REVELATION 9:7 In appearance the locusts were like horses arrayed for battle; on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces, 8 their hair like women's hair, and their teeth like lions' teeth; 9 they had scales like iron breastplates, and the noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into battle. 10 They have tails like scorpions, and stings, and their power of hurting men for five months lies in their tails. 11 They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon.[/



Lucifer - Prince of the Air (Assumes different and more powerful forms as he is resurrected more fully)



Nephilim Spawn

the second pic is the best as far as proportion/perspective. but, take a closer look at that hand. notice anything odd? its a left hand, and thats a right arm.

you just really need to work on your hands in general. my advise to you is to get a stronger grasp of real human anatomy. draw from real life references and hit the books for a little anatomy lesson.

if you really want to draw in an anime style but be original, youre going to need to develop yourself as a artist first. i guarantee at least 90% of animators can do life drawing blazing fast and accurate. you really want a strong traditional art foundation before you move into stylized/simplified stuff, or your art is going to look generic and anatomically incorrect.

but with that said i think youre off to a good start, you just need some practice in the right areas



work on your faces. your anatomy is alright, it's going in the right direction at least, but your faces are pretty lame. my advice is when you're starting out drawing not to do things in an anime style -- anime teaches all sorts of bad habits if you start out with it, and can make it tough to transition into more legit artforms. once you have anatomy and face structure down alright, then you can mess around with the anime style, but it's a major skillkiller if anime's all you know.

and, yeah, just take some scrap paper and practice your hands. having a small mirror or something and seeing what your own hands look like in different positions is pretty helpful.
i find it easier to draw things more accurately from slightly further away when drawing from life, if its up too close i tend to get a little tunnel vision. it might help you a bit setting up a mirror like number9 said about 4-5 feet from yourself, and work on proportions and shape a lot more than detail, try to draw quickly. even better yet, if you can get a friend to hang out and let you draw them. have them do poses, and hold the pose for say, one minute and try to quicky capture their pose focusing on proportion and perspective, this is called gesture drawing. it really helps you to develop a good sense of proportion and anatomy. when i used to draw all the time and was going to school i could scratch out a gesture in like 10-15 seconds, that i could later go back and do a finished life drawing from without needing to look at anything. sometimes in my life drawing classes i would turn the model into like an orc, or something, we had this one fat guy we would get n occasion and he made a pretty good drawf.

anyway, if you can get a friend to do gestures for you, have them start in fairly simple poses, and gradually get more difficult angles, and try to shave off the time, where youre getting down in the 15-30 second range, then when youre getting the feel and scetching accurately, do some longer like 5 minute gestures, and if you get some good poses, you can just use them as a base for a finished drawing.

just something to try

I took a little more time on these sketches, they turned out way better. i'm not sure if i'll color these pics first or start workin on the concept design of my other characters first, but i'll try to have something new up in a day or so!

And thanks for tha comments big time


??? Main Character
Okay i have seen your gallery time to time...
Well the new pictures re WAyyyyyy better...
I notice you seem to like to hide the hands
Try to make some more pictures with the characters that show the hands :)

I saw that you wrote that you suck at drawing hands... But to draw hands over and over helps
Try this > think about a pose, draw it and if you get stuck go to a mirror, make the pose and look at your hand how does it look like to that pose?

Hope I was of any help!
Good luck!

Title Screen


@ellenor -lol yes its true... but ya i'll start using that mirror technique, thats one thing i havent tried yet, but ya i'll sketch more poses of the characters as time goes by (along with visible hands) ha , and just try to develop myself

- i'd really love to go to skool again for game desgin or graphic design, anybody on the site have any degrees like that i wonder???

AND i have more pics to upload, just my sis has the scanner and shes bein a punk sleepin away right now. I think you'll like what I came up with for one of the demons, it has an uncanny resemblance with a secret of mana character BUT has its root in our very own history, its pretty sck lol



First of all, i'd like to say you've had some good ideas here.

BUT i really don't like the banner/title screen at all, sorry!

as for the drawings, i like the 'kingdom hearts' type feel going on here. there are a few minor things that might like some work, but they don't absolutely need it.

for example:
1. the jumper on hailey rises a little too much on the shoulders, makes it look like it's WAY too fluffy
2. a few things on amy, such as her right eye is too big, her left shoulder could be jointed a little bit higher and the cleavage coming out the shirt looks out of place as the size and placement of the breasts do not match. also, she's 15... bit too young for massive knockers haha
3.the only other thing i can see is lack of detail on the footwear(in contrasttothe detal on the rest of the body)

now, keep in mind, i was being truely picky, just to help you with your future pictures and your skills as an artist! Good job :D
LOL ya i alwyas get carried away with tha breastesses sorry, but thanks for tha excellent feedback

-Ya I like the style of the 'soulwake' graphic i made but it would feel outta place as a main title, LUCKILY akuma has produced a logo for me that looks promising if i can relay proper the reedit ideas i have for it! But i will probably end up using it in-game on a urban wall somewhere ya know?

-I thought that right eye on amy kinda look buggied too, thanks for pointing that out and i will downsize her cleavage in the end cause basically i just dont want her to have bigbooobs to tell u tha truth...

again, Thanks for tha useful comments



no problems at all, i would suggest to remove the cleavage all together. the curves of her body is fairly enough (in my opinin anyway)
Looking good man, keep it up -looking forward to seeing more new ones :)



OK, here's something i can help with!
The guy:
1. Again with the over puffy clothing. To me, it seems that the character is top heavy.
2. There's a few good clothing folds tutorials about which are really helpful and that i use regularly. Firstly, the hood on the jacket drops down wonky... it would only do that if the character was posed wonky, which he isn't. so you should keep in mind that clothing falls in relation to gravity and the direction it is being pulled from. IE: someone lifting their arm- the clothing will eb pulled from underneath the armpit and around their back, and the tension will be over the bicep resting on the deltoid(shoulder muscle).
3. the shoes look like they're on the wrong feet :P

the girl(amy if i guess correctly):
1. i can see you've put lot more time into amy as there are less things i can talk about. One thing i will talk about is proportion. It all depends on the style you are drawing, but generally people want their characters to have a level of realism. but this issue exists in both the new pictures you've submitted

here is a tip:
When drawing parts of characters (not full body pics) it's quite acceptable to not frame out the person. but when doing full body pictures i would expect a anatomy frame to be drawn every time.
You wouldn't start implementing a server upgrade on a multi billion dollar company without doing any planning beforehand, so why should our pictures be the same?

Now, in case you didn't know what i mean by framing the character, it is basically drawing a detailed and proportional stick figure with the pose they will be taking etc.
One thing to note is that an adult's body will be 7 heads tall and (generally) around 3 heads wide.
I would draw one for you, but i'm at work and couldn't get away with doing that! so i'll find one on the internet and link you.
you will notice that the shoulders are the same width as the hips, this is the same for males. the main difference is that females will have a smaller waist and more inward pointing femurs(bone in top half of leg).

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like explained... don't know if i've covered what i need to :) I'm happy to help out!
thanks MC, ya man thats what i used to think too.. i was ALWAYS under the impression that he was the king of hell, this fire inferno where he tortures souls but, actually that wont ever happen. hes tossed into the lake of fire in the end its true, but as weird as it is, even the bible states that he is the king of this world and that he is the "prince" of the POWER of AIR, here i'll show ya tha verse>>

Ephesians 2:2 (New King James Version)
2 in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,

this is the idea behind the manifestation of demons in the game: Once the airwaves have been polluted enough by radio, television and the internet. these satanic crazed neo nazis use this magi-infused war machine to concentrate airwaves of sin, thus producing a literal bridge for them to use to enter into our physical world.

strange but true! lol
dsoulja85":mrk1o4vi said:
Dude, i cannot even begin to tell you how wrong this picture looks....Sword placement needs to be adjusted :fap: :fap: :fap: It looks like shes doing......things to herself and her name being jezebel dosent help either lol



I have to agree with Bad on this.
You obviously haven't put in as much time on this as the others. You've left the hair a clump of white (in contrast to the rest of your pictures) and i would suggest re-evaluating that pose. then make sure you have the anatomy and proportion down before you outline and piss off all the sketch lines.

another thing; think about functionality when designing clothing. like How does that mini skirt tie up around the waist, how does the fluffy shoulder thing connect to anything?
things liek that, ya know?

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