Alright, I'm not the best person to be receiving critique from, but anyway...
About how you CG'd him, I stick by a belief that you shouldn't colour until you've got a firm grasp on the characters final design. Stick to pencil concepts until you know exactly who you're drawing. I've learnt this the hard way given that I've had to redraw and CG a number of characters from my parody game numerous times and it's been in the last month I've finalized their designs. Find something that works with your storyline mainly and stick to it.
Faces are possibly my best asset in drawing, so I'll give you some advice that I've recieved from other helpful people (forums are the best thing...ever)
You probably know how to draw the shape of the face. Remember to draw the ears afterwards to get an idea of where everything should go. At the moment, your characters look like their whole face has been shoved upward. In fact, your most recent image has no forehead! That just looks weird :/. The eyes should be halfway through the face, in line with the ears, and the brows just above them. The nose should be half way again, and the mouth halfway in between the nose and the chin. As you're drawing anime style, you've got too much detail in the mouth compared to the rest of the face. Anime mouths are generally single lines that represent the line between the top and bottom lip.
I hoped my little contribution helped a little :girl: