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Brian Boru's Spirit

After just some testing in noteworthy, this is my first real song. At first i just wanted to write the notes for Brian Boru's March down. But in the end, when i tried to make more of a whole song of it, it was quiet different then the march, so i called it brain boru's spirit :) it's not really loopable, but i tried to make it so that it doesnt sound terrible, and guess what, it doesnt ;)

Q&Q very welcome, as i can use it

i you want to use it, plz give credit.

EDIT: http://media.putfile.com/Borus-Spirit
I'd have to say the same as Roman Candle... I don't know much about .au files at all, except that my computer doesn't recognize them. I'd love to critique... but maybe you should try using a host like putfile or freewebtown to host it instead.
Oh, k, didnt know that. ill use putfile instead. its just weird, because i uploaded it as .mid file

i also got to say my next bgm is sounding much better then this one, ill post that one soon to
I was able to listen to this song...
Pretty good for just starting out with Noteworth Composer. I would suggest adding some more instruments to this song. Although, i don't know what mood you are going for here or what theme this song is supposed to fit. However, to give this song more of a "complete" feeling i would try an incorporate more instruments into this piece. So far i like the strings and the harp, I like the piano at first but then it went away after the first measure. I would try and bring the piano back.

Anyway, if you let me know what this song is for exactly, i could critique it in a more effective manner. Overall, i think you're doing good here, you got a nice melody, so keep it coming.
thx, for the critique. i will try to make this one better after i finished another bgm. I didnt made this song for a specific mood at first, but during i was making it, i was trying to give it a melancholic mood. anyways, ill try to add the piano in it :)

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