Added the lore.
In the first dawn of recorded time, two very powerful beings roamed Evala. These two beings were lonely with only each other for company, so they worked together to form four races—the Krah, Fraia, Yunia, and Kinden. Originally, there was not very much at all to differentiate the races; but, as the powerful beings interacted with their creations, they developed a favoritism toward the Krah and Fraia—pouring massive amounts of power, and making them very different from the Yunia and Kinden.
These two weaker races felt that they would soon be crushed by the rising races’ power and worked together to formulate a plan. Infiltrating the beings’ homes, they worked to turn the beings on each other… and it worked—the first war of the races was begun.
As the war continued, the beings abused their power over the races and, soon, even those who were favored turned against their creators. In secrecy, ambassadors of each race met together and joined their powers to create a trap. In the final battle of the war, the trap was implemented and when the two beings finally game together in battle—they were fused together into a static form—resembling krystallis.
The races discovered they could still draw power from this fused form and chaotic greed erupted—everyone who could came to touch the stone and taste its power. In doing so, the races further distanced themselves from each other: the Krah took on the instinct of animals; the Fraia developed the power and terrible beauty of pure energy; the Yunia took the majestic darkness of the night; and the Kinden adopted the ability to create and forge new paths. These differences—and the desire to keep the krystallis form for themselves—were leading the races toward the dawn of a new war.
Seeing this, a small group of people—who were not yet overcome by the form’s power—stole away with the form in the secrecy of night and hid it, not wanting to see their world ravaged again by yet another war.
In their quest to save the world, they were destroyed. It is this, and this alone, which kept the form hidden for nearly two-thousand years; but, as was only a matter of time—the krystallis form was found through the curiosity of a young prince.
Any critisim or feedback would be useful