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Black Dragon© - Tales Of Argon© NEW PROJECT RECRUITMENT!

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First of all. Im not that high at understanding where to post recruitment questions so i poster here. If this is the wrong place, please excort my post where it should be. :)

Black Dragon©  - Tales Of Argon© Ideas:
Just an sample ive made..


- Spritebackgrounds and titlebackground
- Sprite battle system
- Serious story (inspired by Final Fantasy X "10" and Blue Dragon)
- Awsume Instrumental BGM's and battlemusic (All in mp3's)
- Awsume soundeffects
- Awsume Animated video-clips
- Animated Sprite Option-bar
- 120 H Ordinary Playtime

All will be animated not 3D

Im not that good at attract people but i will start this project with some people that would like to join. Everything will be started up from skratch. :)
If interessted please put some concepts or something to work with soo i can recruit the people up for this project.

/ Thanks. :)
Unfortunately for you, on this forum there isn't really any place for you to post a thread for the sole purpose of recruiting a team. You may, however, post a thread for your project in the Project Discussion forum(assuming this is indeed an RM project???), and add a section somewhere in there for recruitment. In addition, or alternatively, you can put something like "i ahve a porject can u halp me pls? pm for detail" in your signature(although of course make it more intelligible). Another route you could take is, if you donate to the site, you can ask for a private subforum which you and your team could use for developmental purposes(or whatever, really), and even post a thread for recruitment in the main private subforum forum(which is visible to all).

Since this is in entirely the wrong forum, and since it has no real place as of now, I'll lock this. Feel free to do any one(or all!) of the things I suggested above, though!
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