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Banjo Fucking Kazooie.

Personally, whilst I agree, they were fun games. I never actually bought them for myself, they were a poor substitue for Donkey Kong by Rare. Even when they tried with DK64 they couldn't recreate the magic of Donkey Kong Country for the SNES. Don't get me wrong, I thought that Banjo's games were great, just not as great as DK.
Banjo Tooie introduced 50 million extra things to grab and nab and this totally killed the gameplay for me. You collected a lot things in the first one but in general it was all about the awesome gameplay. Kazooie had cool mini-games, excellent level design, great puzzles, and hilarious bosses and mini-bosses. Tooie was just one, giant bag grab of useless junk. Bigger doesn't equal better; it just means there's more places for the developers to hide an obscure object that will take 4 hours of pixel hunting to find in the background.

I don't see where you're getting this from- did you play the entire game? There was a lot more to it, a lot more puzzles and mini-games. Sure there was more collecting, but there was more other stuff to balance it out. The train thing that linked all the worlds together was awesome, and the way you could play as Mumbo, then there were fun minigames, like the first-person shooting (even though it didn't fit wel, it was fun) and the kickball tournaments.

There were like... 3 first person shooters that I can think of and that was goldeneye...

Goldeney was a huge success and relly helped the N64. It was one of the best selling games of all time and helped redefine the first-person genre.

Marcus said:
I remember paying up to $70 for great titles like SUPERMAN 64!

Superman64 was hardly the norm.
lol Superman and I, we go way back. I remember when I'd just play to fly around in the training level. Boy was that...oh god it was shit! :/
hilarious bosses and mini-bosses.
When weren't the bosses in Tooie hilarious? I found them really fun, too! Patch was awesome, I had fun replaying him in the...replay mode. Even Gruntilda, if not a little on the tricky side at first was fun! You got to use Clockwork Kazooie eggs for god's sake! Nothing beats that!!

lol I liked how instead of saying infinite number of eggs and feathers, it said 'Lots' instead. That was a nice quirky touch.



Banjo Tooie just introduced way to much stuff in such a short time. To me, a platformer should gradually introduce you to new things not throw it in your face at once. Call me old fashion, but games like Metroid are perfect in that by the time you've mastered one ability they give you another. Even Banjo Kazooie gradually gave you new things but Banjo Tooie was like "hey, check out this ability which leads to another ability which leads to about 30 new things to collect in the same level!"

It was a good game, but it sucked compared to the first one. I guess I should reword my original statement: "Banjo Tooie is an above average game but pales in comparison to the awe and wonderment bestowed upon me by Banjo Kazooie."

There we go :D

@Marcus: I'm not sure those things really mattered that much when we did play the N64...at least, not for me. I was about 8 or 9 so I thought the thing was amazing...I think I got a gamecube in year 6...so when I was 12 (not that that means a thing). Anyway, I'm not sure how old you were when you got your hands on an N64, if you were around my age then those things really didn't matter at all. I look back now and imagine how I could've played with such a contraption, but that little contraption took up most of my weekends with friends back in the day.

I think I was 11 or 12 when I got the N64 on its release date. My first game was Mario 64.

One year passed and there was nothing really worth spending $60 on (and having no job meant that you really had to butter up your parents and make sure the games you got were WORTHWHILE). Then Starfox 64 came out and I was like "joy!" I also managed to nab Mischief Makers on my birthday which was one of the most underrated N64 games ever.

8 months later Goldeneye came out which was HOLY GOD AWESOME. Then Final Fantasy 7 was released... and the n64 collected dust.

The following year after hyping the crap out of it, Quest 64 came out and a misleading commercial which promised voice acting introduced it. I begged my parents to throw $60 at it and I bought it and it was GAY. I went back to playing Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III, and Xenogears came out so the n64 once again collected dust.

Then I got a job and proceeded to buy more PS1 and SNES games while the N64... collected dust. When Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie, and Majora's Mask came out, all was good in Nintendo land but those games lasted me about 3 months worth of play time before I drained them dry of fun and the N64, once again, collected dust.

It was 3 more years until I bought a new N64 game and by that time they were pretty much worthless. I got Conker's Bad Fur Day (Rare's best in my opinion), Perfect Dark, Paper Mario, Body Harvest, and Donkey Kong 64 for $10 on ebay.

I never bought another N64 game since. My Nintendo 64 collection consisted of 75% Rare games, 25% OTHER. The fact Nintendo had to rely on another company to bring some actual good games to THEIR system was sad and the PS2 came out which caused me to pretty much permanently shelf my 64. Since I play all of the roms on my pc I've never touched my 64 and it's sitting in it's glass display case lonely and sad.

Goldeney was a huge success and relly helped the N64. It was one of the best selling games of all time and helped redefine the first-person genre.
Regardless, the person (sorry forgot your name) posted something like "what about the N64's slew of FPS games" and I replied with "dude... there were only 3."
Hybrid Heaven was such a fun game. N64 gets props for that and its innovative fighting games(and man, the racing games), but you need lame RPGs to keep a console alive I guess. PS2 is proof of that.



ryanwh said:
Hybrid Heaven was such a fun game. N64 gets props for that and its innovative fighting games(and man, the racing games), but you need lame RPGs to keep a console alive I guess. PS2 is proof of that.
I actually agree with you there. PS1 had an incredible spread of games across many different genres but the ps2 just seems to be rpg after the next. There are some good non-rpg original games but these rarely get any attention.
Agreed. But the PS2 does have some platforming goodness, like Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter (1, not 2 or 3). Also, there is Klonoa :P
This generation wants a reward but doesnt want to earn it. Back in the day, the challenge was the reward. The dynamic is changed, that's why RPGs are so popular now. Big reward for little mental or reactionary effort. Same with most shooters.



My happiest day in videogames was when I beat Contra 3 without dying and when I got 100% in Super Mario World without using a strategy guide.

Them were the days...
Both games rocked my socks. I wish I hadn't sold my n64 just for that reason. Those games and Zelda: OoT. God they need to remake those games for the newer systems or something. They would sell like crazy.
I liked the games okay but never owned them for myself out of lack of money due to buying countless Mario, Final Fantasy, and LoZ titles.

And for the record Hailey, if you were hardkore you would have OoT for the GC from pre-ordering Wind Waker 8). J/k, though, we all know you're hardkore ;).
I remember why I brought up getting my Gamecube at the age of 12...I traded in my N64 with all my 20+ games (whatever they were, can't remember), four controls, rumble pak and whatever else...I didn't have to pay a cent for my gamecube, and also got 2 controls, memory card and 2 games free. The day I set my eyes on Bianco Hills in Mario Sunshine was the day my life was complete...lol well not anymore. But anyway, I suppose my point is...well...I don't know what my point is...buy lots of games for your current system so you can trade it all and get the next system free? I don't know lol.
Hailey T said:
Both games rocked my socks. I wish I hadn't sold my n64 just for that reason. Those games and Zelda: OoT. God they need to remake those games for the newer systems or something. They would sell like crazy.

Zelda: OoT has been ported to the gamecube.
toxic pirate said:
Zelda: OoT has been ported to the gamecube.

lol yeah I know.. but I don't own a Gamecube. Thats why I'll have to go see my BF on the weekends during college so I can hijack his Zelda. xD

Still.. classics like Banjo need to be Cube'd

Fenrir said:
And for the record Hailey, if you were hardkore you would have OoT for the GC from pre-ordering Wind Waker 8). J/k, though, we all know you're hardkore .

And yes I'm pretty hardcore ;) not so much as you guys I'm sure lol, but the "for a girl" excuse doesn't work here. I pwn'd Kev at DBZ Budokai 2, and I shall pwn all of you. xD
Haha bring it on (never played it, so I'm sure you will kick my ass lol :D)!

It's always cool when girls admit to like playing games. Unfortunately none of my female friends do (or admit to it anyway) and my bf isn't really into the gaming scene either...but all his perfect qualities make up for it :P

As for my male friends, well, most of them (I don't have many friends so...) like a good old multiplayer bang on the DK bongos or some head to head action on smash bros...but I kick their ass at all my GCN games...Oh how I yearn for a challenge [goes deep into sad thought as he sighs by the window sil]...
Both of the games were nothing short of amazing. Better than Mario 64 in every way.

Its too bad that the N64 contoller is abysmal in comparison to this generations control pads. Oh well, the Wii SHOULD have them for download, or at least the 360. And Banjo Tooie is up for £40 on amazon marketplace, I think I'll sell mine there.

Also, I came into this topic expecting some bear on bird action/hentai.
I finally decided to bust out the N64 and play Banjo Tooie, cause I already beat Banjo Kazooie. That rhymes. I love the game. all I can say.

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