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Adolescence, A love-simulation game on RMXP [Update : Base A

Hi! :smile:
I just wanted to pop in to say that I am really excited about this project and cannot wait to play it! Sounds lovely so far; and the artwork/design is just delicious! :thumb:

Of course, I really hope we won't have to wait much longer for the english version. =) But take your time. :thumb:

ALSO, please do go forward with the girl-dating-guys idea!!! Now that would be a first! I have always wanted to play something like that, but most games unfortunately are either in japanese or too hard to find. :cry: So, more than anything, I'm excited for that one! ^.^

Please keep up the good work! :shades:



how do u play the game

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  I'll rewrite the game system once I had time. Right now I want to get the game done first :S But basically, you plan who you want to meet at school each day, and plan what and how do you want to talk to them. Then you have to build up your relationship, and find the right time to increase your relationship level. Reach level 4 before the end of the month to clear that character scenario :)

It's been a long time XD  Today I have good news to announce. Finally, all the Cutscene sketches are finished! I believe we have 150 something in total. So get ready to play finish this game at least 10 times (Hopefully!)

Here's one of the picture where Art (the main guy) forgot to do his homework, but since he's been such a great guy to Dao, she let Art copy hers.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v227/ ... resize.jpg[/img]
man, it just gets more and more exciting >_>

any predictions as far as how long my breath should be held? XD

it's be a good surprise to have this for Christmas :D (and actually, especially if you'll sell hard copies, but might not be worth all the trouble, lol)
Finally the base animation sprites of all the main characters are finished. You can see them by clicking on the following link


I don't think I can show swf file directly :S

Anyway, bad news is that, I might not do this in rmxp anymore. We'll see what happen though. Right now I found a ruby game library which is much more powerful than rmxp, so I might use that instead since it's still ruby so the change wouldn't be that difficult to make.
pure win :D

not doing this in XP might be good, I always looked at this as one of those games that trully proved that even a amature program like rmxp could make really gems, but it shouldn't hold you back, hell, I'm looking forward to it so much make it as great as you can XD
Haha that's actually one of the reason I want to stick with Rmxp too, proving that it can really produce a quality game. But considering I've done that with U.S.G. and Fluffy and the gang already, maybe it's time for me to move on to something else.

The sad part is that, if I don't make this game in rmxp anymore, this thread wouldn't probably be here anymore :( Or maybe when that time come I'll just ask the moderator to move it to Game&Application instead so that I can still keep people here updated :)
I wouldn't care personally, but thats something with the staff I guess :\

but yeah, seriously, you've literally pushed RMXP to it's limits, be very proud :D

that said, I really am looking forward to this XD

There arn't any good solid complete dating sims out there anymore that arn't H or are in english, and I like games like these, sakura wars and Ar Tonelico and stuff :D
nice try. I know you're new, so I'll tell you something. No one is going to share scripts and resources that they have custom made themselves. You can't just go into a project topic and ask for it. If you need that sort of stuff, head over to the script archieve.

While I'm here, I'll say, nice game, hima. I love how all your games are good enough to be sold in shops. The new animations are great. Good luck.

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