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Active Timer CBS V3.0.1

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Another bug just was found(at least to me).
Sometimes, when the command window appears and you select the regular attack command, the error pops:
Method and Class Library V1.5/Sprite_GradientBar, line 4252, @last = eval(@min).to_i, comparision of Float with Float failed.

EDIT: It's not when you select the attack cmd only, it's whatever action that targets.
1. Cmd menu appears;
2. You select the Item cmd;
3. You select Potion;
4. The error pops up be4 you can select the target.
Updated to Version 1.1

Fixes the help window blink problem?
Fixes the command window problem?
Fixes the actor blink problem

@hugopkmn - hmm I don't know what would be the cause for that thats a very strange error :-/
Hey Trickster the hugopkmn targeting bug is in the animated bars, and I've reported that in the thread.
This is happening when Window_Help#set_actor calls Window_Base#draw_actor_hp.
Script 'Window_Base' line 48: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Okies, downloading the demo rite now, also I always forget to change the show enemy HP to false, thanks tibuda for discovering.

Edit: Tested and the "command window stuck" error still coming, at this time I had 2 living actors, When the bug came I tried to select the other actor by pressing dir left/right, but it didn't change, the other buttons wasn't working too and once again only the up/down dir buttons were working.
Since I installed it, maybe it's the same problem with the F12 reset problem with the SDK. I don't have a previous version of it(one that works with SDK1.5), so I can't test it ><
Hmm well I have updated the script to version 1.2

Fixed the command window bug (I'm sure of it this time I guess)

What caused it is that @active_battler became nil during the command selection (I tested this theory by inserting code that made the battler nil) he only logical place that could have happened is here
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command)
  def update_phase3_basic_command
[B]    # If Unable to make Action
    if not @active_battler.inputable? and (@phase == 3 or @phase4_step == 6)
      # Clear Action
      # Next Actor
    # If B button was pressed 
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Reset action made status
      @active_battler.current_action.action_made = false 
    # The Usual
    # If Right was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
      # PLay Cursor Se
      # Attempt to Get Next Actor (Cycle Forward)
      # Return
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
      # PLay Cursor Se
      # Attempt to Get Previous Actor (Cycle Backward)
      # Return

Is that is the only place where @active_battler could be set to nil, there is no way it could have executed this method with @active_battler is nil if it had it would have given a no method error for NilClass

So now if turns off selection if it does happen to set the battler to nil so I guessed I fixed since I haven't encountered the bug anymore if not then @_@
Updated the script to Version 1.2.1

Updated the Gradient Bars in the demo to reflect the changes I made to the animated gradient bars script
The previous error didn't show up til now.
Just a suggestion:
As you should know, even those square-enix ABS does have an option of battle mode(active or wait), is it possible to have it implemented in the script?
Yes I don't see why not I'll add it when I get the chance

Updated to Version 1.3

Battle Speed is now changeable in game


You may now have enemies not attacking while choosing actions

You may not set the bars (at updating) to pause when choosing an action

Updated to Version 1.3.1

The command window hanging problem should be completely gone now
Updated to Version 1.4

Fixes the command window going back to attack or going to next actor bug Arised when I fixed the command window is hanging bug both should be fixed now.
Updated to Version 2.0 (Last update for awhile)

Cleans up code (More for me than for you)

Cleaned up the Setup (everything is in one section)

You may now choose to use the hp/sp bars or not, but I have also included 14 new gradients to the gradients folder to use

You can use the simple escape command or have the attack/escape window (but it comes up at the start of battle and never again)
Your mom is hacking! Tell your mommy to be nice to the families :(

*cough*In fact, all Trickster's script is in Trickster's signatures.*cough*



Wonderful script!

Is there a small script command I can put in the Battle Event that will make the timer stop ( and a command to resume when needed ) for both the party and the enemies? For example when you want to add messages/events during battle?

I looked around the scripts but it just ended up confusing the hell out of me. The script is working great otherwise though :).
To stop the timer, use
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          actor.at_multiplier= 0
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          enemy.at_multiplier= 0
And to start it up again...
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          actor.at_multiplier= 1.0
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          enemy.at_multiplier= 1.0

I use this in update_phase4_step3 for "T's" battle systems (so it's for TRTAB and his CTB as well) ;) Credit goes to Fomar0153 for pointing me in the right direction on this. Similar coding is used for his ATB system.



DerVVulfman;207417 said:
I use this in update_phase4_step3 for "T's" battle systems (so it's for TRTAB and his CTB as well) ;) Credit goes to Fomar0153 for pointing me in the right direction on this. Similar coding is used for his ATB system.
Works like a charm, thanks a lot :).
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