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Active Timer CBS V3.0.1

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Hi, I'm using this battle system in conjunction with Minkoff's Animated Battlers. Can someone tell me where in the code I need to make an edit to move the actor command window's Y position to be a fixed place as shown in the screenshot below?

I figured out how to keep the X position fixed, but I want to move the window to where the red box is and I dont know where to edit the Y position to get it all the way down.

The only place I can find is the following line of code in the initialize method of the default Scene_Battle class, but changing its value doesn't seem to do anything.

@actor_command_window.y = 160

Also, is it possible to highlight the name of the party member who currently has the action?
Asking for the positioning of the Actor Command Window in your BattleStatus Window would more likely belong in the Script Request topic. If there's one out there that does that, you may find it or be directed to the proper topic. If not, someone may take the challenge to code one. And as far as the highlighting the actor's name... I'd love to see that too. :yes:

Just in case, try searching the FORUM SCRIPT LISTINGS in the [battle add-ons] or [Audio/Video Enhancements] topics, or asking if one's available in THE LOST SCRIPTS topic in Script Request forum.
Hi, I been looking for this kind of script but the two download links doesn't work (the first one doesn't exist anymore, neither does the 2nd one) so do anyone else have a alt. link for it?

Yes, i know i did a big bump on it.

Nvm. I did some editing to an agibased ATCBS with mogs battlesystems and managed to get it working without problems... just had to cut and move stuff around (above and below the ATCBS script).

A link may still be good in case i want to try it out.
...Script Demo link sends me to error 404, I don't think Trickster is here anymore.
Some one please help. This is the only battle system that has the perfect CBS script.

~Please post or PM the script or fix the broken 404 link.

Thanks in advance.
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