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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

I'll post this again.

For some odd reason, the "Blitz" skill add-on makes all of the text right justified when used with CCOA's UMS. I checked everything to make sure and that is the only one that does it.



I don't know what cause it, but it's an compatibilty issue so the problem may be on the other script and i don't have any idea of what is causing that since i tested it here and didn't get any issue.

@Juan J. Sánchez
The only features not present on the CT battle is the area/linear effect skills and enemy movement (it can be done via script calls, but it's not very effective). Actors actually don't move during battles on CT.
The dual/triple tech can be done with the combination add-on (although the interface would be a bit different).

The area skills would require some deep edit.



There's a LOT of message systems besides UMS. You looking to this matter as the Add on is the problem, but the problem might be the UMS. And since there's more options to replace the UMS than the blitz add-on, you should try this instead of focus on the add-on.
Perhaps, but I don't particularly care about not having one skill add on. Also, the other message system I used was rather horrible and the chances are likely that I'd have to change every instance of text in my game. It's simpler to just no use that add on. I might look around later and see if I can find one that wouldn't require me to change too much. Blitz could be fun to use on a few skills or something.

Once again: Are you taking suggestions for add ons?
Atoa one question:

What scrip call I must use if i want to equip a character with a special armor kind?
Ex. I want to add a character that had a cape on it.



If you are using the multi slot add-on you should pay more attention to the instruction.
# - If you using the multi slot equip system, the event command for changing
# equips will be screwed.
# So if you need to force any equip change with events, make an Script Call
# and add this command:
# $game_actors[Actor ID].equip(Slot Index, Equip ID)
# Slot Index = remember that indexes starts from 0, so the 1st slot will
# be index 0, the 2nd will be index 1...
This is on the Add-On header
Thanks a lot. And sorry for the stupid question. I'm using Tankentai at the moment, and since both multi-slot scrips are the same I thought it will work.

Tested on Tankentai and works perfect. :thumb:
I may be the thousandth one to say it, but this is script is awesome. I spent four days just making cutscenes while I tried to find a script I liked (four very long days, seeing as I'm new to RM lol). I do have one question though (I had two, but I see you've already answered someone about the Legaia combo being limited to one actor):

Do you know of any job/class scripts that are compatible with ACBS? Something like the Shining Force class system would be perfect (reach a certain level: get two options, each with stat changes; reach a certain level one more time: get two more options.) I've seen a Ragnarok Online one that looked pretty good, but it seemed to be made primarily for Blizz-ABS

I've gone through a few pages here and didn't see anyone else ask it, but sorry if I missed it somewhere.



I don't know many scripts of that kind, an simple classe change script would work fine. Since it would basically be an window that changes the class.
The only way to find out is trial and error.
You can also make the class change with events.

About stat change when chaging classes you can use this script (use google translator to translate the header instructions)
http://www.santuariorpgmaker.com/forum/ ... ?topic=150

It makes each classe have it's own multiplier for each stat.
Hi, Atoa. It's me again.
I took a quick screenshot of the battle system so far so that you can see its progress.


It's going pretty well.
However, currently I have two issues at hand.

1. First, there seems to be a glitch with the Union Skill Combination when used with the Atoa ATB add-on. You can use a union skill without every actor having a full bar. Am I doing something wrong?

2. Second, I'm using Fukuyama's Caterpillar script, which I had already edited for my movement script. It obviously does not work with the Chrono Trigger Battle add-on. Is there some way to switch the Atoa Caterpillar off when not in battle? I believe this would solve the compatibility issue.

I would thoroughly appreciate your help.

EDIT: I worked out the second issue by editing some of your methods, and replacing your caterpillar actors with Fukuyama's caterpillar actors. It works out fine.

While we're at it, I was wondering if it's possible to animate more than one character at once.



I will take a look on the Union Skills, since this wasn't suposed to happen.

And what do you mean by "animate more than one character at once"?
Atoa":20lzvuv9 said:
And what do you mean by "animate more than one character at once"?

Well, when using Union skills I've noticed you can only animate the character casting the skill. For example, if skill 'x' requires actors 1 through 4, and the settings are as follows, Skill_Settings  



@Juan J. Sánchez
No, you can animate all character, but you must notice that the "casting" is done only by the first actor, so you need to make you combination an sequence, like the Union Skill of the demo.
You can't put all the settings on the union skill itself, but on the skills cast aftewards.
Okay, I tried that and it still doesn't work. It might be an issue with the Chrono Trigger add-on, since it seems to work fine on your demo, or I might be doing something wrong.

Here's my code so far.

Skill_Settings[81] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]

Skill_Settings[82] = ["MOVETYPE/STEPFOWARD"]


Combination_Skill['Union'] =  {

  ['Actor', 27] => {5 => [81], 6 => [82]}


EDIT: So went ahead and made new skills and it seems to work fine now. I have no idea what I was doing wrong.

Anyhow, I also tried the ATB/Union glitch in your demo, and I lament to say it's still there. :(
I checked the code, but still can't find what's wrong.



Since i've got some free time, and i'm in need of an extra cash. I'm open to paid submissions. Any one interested, send an PM.



The prices depends on what will be asked, so we can negotiate. In general, i charge 20~30 U$ for "simple" systems, 40~60 U$ for "medium" systems, 60~100 U$ for "hard" systems, and 100 U$+ for "very hard" systems.
By "easy" or "hard" i mean not only the dicult to make the system works, but the estimated time. So an simple mechanic that would take a lot of time to be done, would be classified as "medium" or "hard". But well, everything is negotiable x]

So just send an PM with the request.

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