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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2



The ACBS has an add on that allows full customization of the Status Window, the 'Add | Battle Windows'. Currently there's no add on for visual customization of the command window, but i'm planning to make one.
Okay thanks for your reply :), but if i wanted to, if i had the skill, could i make the edits to the scripts myself? like would it be possible?



i didn't get it. o.õ
Any one can edit the scripts the way they want, if they know what are doing.
But if you don't know RGSS, the best you can do is read the instructions of the add on and use it.
I mean if i wanted to edit the scripts to make the huds use graphics like in the screenshots i posted, would i be able to, or would it be too complex for the battle system



The HUD itself is independet from the battle, it's just the normal Window_BattleStatus.
As long it don't mess with the Scene_Battle itself, you can make the Window_BattleStatus any way you like.
Honestly, this is the best scrip I had ever found. It just what i needed. Tanketai doesn't look this neat, and charlie CTB even thought it looks great isn't much customizable. Thanks a lot Atoa this scrip makes me happy :)
I want to know how to make only certain people benefit from the system of battle "Legaia Combo" and others using the normal attack. thank you

édit: there is a problem in the addon "Add | Two Hands" as we enter the command "$game_party.two_swords_actors_remove(1)" is this error
I use
Add | Individual Battle Commands
Add | Legaia Combo
Add | Two Hands
HI ATOA :biggrin: ive been away from rmxp for quite some time now but just now getting back to it again... i finally found where i left off but my question is... how do you tag an enemy to where that enemy can only be hit by certain weapon? such as a bird, cant be attack by any actor unless an actor has a bow or some sort of projectile weapon?



Currently there's nothing like this.

Currently there's no way to apply the legaia system just to some actors. Also i will take a look on this bug.



did you ever figure out why I was receiving those errors for the Reflect and Overdrive add-ons? And if so will have to wait for the updated bug fix version?

One way you could maybe pull that off is to make a custom element, lets call this element "Grounded" for example, and check the grounded element for all ground (regular) skills. Then for all the enemies that can fly, set their element resistance for the grounded element to D (50% damage rate) or E (0 damage). I guess that may be a little too much though.
Huzzah! I hath figured it out!

Atoa, something in your Blitz script clashes with CCOA's UMS and makes the text right justified. It's fine with every other add-on (to my knowledge) but Blitz makes it do that.
Hi atoa. im having a problem making the vehicle system script by brewmeister compatible with your battle system. I have copy and pasted the vehicle system script to your demo to test. When actor uses the dragon vehicle and flys over the bridge this error appears :pissed: : http://www.4shared.com/photo/sU1ti2Wx/errorpasted.html

I have attempted to rearranged scripts and still did not do anything. I think i found the script that is causing the error... i have removed The Chrono Trigger Battle script and flew over the bridge using the dragon vehicle and the error did not appear... but the chrono trigger battle script is very essential to the battle system. it needs it to work. is there any solution to this error? please help.

I have uploaded ur demo with added brewmeisters vehicle scripts along with the char sets and tileset to worldmap to check out if you need. download link:
http://www.4shared.com/folder/o1KJfI2F/ ... tem_3.html
ok i think i figured it out... in your latest demo test with Atoa ATB and Chrono Trigger Battle scripts add ons only, during event it wont let you do a one step forward when set move route. it causes this error: http://www.4shared.com/photo/sU1ti2Wx/errorpasted.html

now i tested without the Chrono Trigger Battle script and it works fine. there has to be an issue with that script im assuming...
For those who had problems with "Two hands" add-on just simply remove the scrip lines 243-254.
And put "multi-slots" add-on below "ACBS | Arrow Class" scrip.

To fix the "auto-life" bug remove 147-159 lines from that scrip and mark in your database that [Knockout/Death] state remove "auto-life" state.

@No ID
This bug is due to an error uploading an animation for the reflection. If you remove lines 273-287 from the scrip the problem might be solve but you will get no animation for reflecting.

I'm here to report that drain isn't working. I tried using the add-on alone and I also used other drain scrips (bizzard's drain for example). I think that the scrip is redacted correctly, but is not adapted to the cbs.



It's surely an script incopatibility. Both scripts make changes on the map methods so it's no surprise they conflict.
Since incompatibility isn't a bug, then there's not much i can do.
The problem isn't wich the CT battle, it's a clash of specifc scripts, and i can't solve every single incopatibility issue that might happen.

I'm aware of all these bugs, they will be fixed on the next update.
Hi atoa and thanks for the reply :smile: I just redownloaded your latest demo and tested with Chrono Trigger Battle Addon only. Then I created a new event trigger with event touch. I set player movement to step forward when the event is touch. When the player sets this event then the same error occurred on what i mentioned to you earlier which i thought it was incompatibility issue with brewmeisters vehicle system script. I dont think its a incompatibility issue after testing just the demo without adding anyones script in the demo.

test it on your demo. Just add The Chrono Trigger Battle script only and create an event which set players movement to step forward when event is touch and you will get the game character 3 error.

Back after a long absence! Used to be MayorAnime, now Foreverwhere.

If you need any more beta-ing let me know. Otherwise, whenever you are ready to accept custom requests (for payment or trade of service), let me know. I'll be developing an original game, and will want to use your engine if allowed.
First and foremost, I really admire what you have done here.

That being said, I'm trying to make a Chrono Trigger Battle System.
I first tried to see if Moghunter ever finished his CTBS. Regretably he didn't.

So I did some research, and it appears you have made the script which resembles most the original battle system.
How far did you get to emulating the CTBS?

  • In-Map Battle
    Active Time Battle
    Dual and Triple Techniques
    Area of Effect
    Linear Attacks
    Actors Movement

Would it be too hard to edit your scripts and add whatever is missing?

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