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ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2

Oh, sorry. My bad. Still, I have MUGEN char for Lenneth. I've extracted them and uploaded for you here. Completed with her giant spear.

PS. I remembered that there's another sprite sheet that's more complete but it's down for now. I'll let you know when it's available again.
That's looking amazing. Just one question though: is it visual equipment, or having a different sprite made custom for each combination?



Another video of some new features for the next update: Dinamic Actions and Automatic Actors


the video is a bit laggy, it's because my PC is a crap and couldn't keep all the simultaneous actions on battle + the recording program. In actual gameplay no slowdown was noticed (even on my junk pc)



Hi!!! wow, your script is amazing, great job, thank you!!

One question... I don't understand the steal skill... sometimes show the message "Steal failed" and sometimes dont show anything, but never steal an item :S
I configured all the settings... I think.

Multi_Steal = true
Steal_Rate = 100
Enemy_Steal[8] = {'i2' => 99, 'a2' => 35, 'w2' => 5} (I'm stealing the enemy with ID 8 in my database obviously xD)

and the steal skill: Skill_Settings[82] = ["STEAL/ITEM","MOVETYPE/MOVETOTARGET"]

Thanks for your help!

P.D.: I'm very bad speaking english, but I try my best!



There's an problem with the steal on the current version. The fix will be avaliable on the next update.

BTw.: the settings are right, the problem is with the code.



Thanks for your support :D

I've found few bugs in addons:
In the "individual battle commands" if you active the option "Show_Commands_In_Menu" when you enter in the status menu this error comes up:


In the "Custom Windows Settings" when you enter to the skill command this error comes up:


And this is all for the moment xDDDD I'm testing all of your amazing scripts :3

The second bug don't appear if you have active at the same time the "individual battle comands" add-on.



Thanks for the repors, on the "Custom Windows Settings" there was a line that belonged to the Individual Battle Commands, so without it he returned an error.

In any case i fixed both bugs, they will be avaliable on the next update ^^



Hi again!! xD I'm hooked (i'm not sure if this word exists ._.) in your scripts, testing, editing and adapting they to my project.

I found a little, a very very little bug xD Even if you select de option Battle_Name_Window = false in the basic configuration, when you select the attack command and turn back in the target selection, the name window of the enemies is shown.

Is a little detail but... xD

Thanks another time for the scripts!! I will continue testing it! ^^

P.D.: The overdrive script don't run T_T



i did already fix the name window bug.

I forget to add some instructions on the Overdrive script.

The overdrive must be "unlocked", with an script call add the code:
$game_actors[Actor ID].overdrive_unlock = true

The new update is at hand, so i'm surely will need some tests ^^



Hi Atoa! Thx for the line of the overdrive skill

I've noticed that if you put the bar of overdrive only increase with the damage taken ('Dmg' => 100), the overdrive bar will increases only with the attacks of the actor :S the enemy attacks don't increase the bar.




You mean this:
  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # "COMBO/**" : Actions with multiple repetitions

  #   ** must be equal the number of hits, for random hits add an min value and

  #      after the max value, separated by "-".

  #   Ex.: "COMBO/5" Combo with 5 hits

  #        "COMBO/3-7" Combo with 3 to 7 hits.

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # "HITS/**" :  Actions with multiple hits.

  #   ** must be equal the number of hits, for random hits add an min value and

  #      after the max value, separated by "-".(like the Combo)

  # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  # "SEQUENCE/**" : Skill sequences.

  #   ** must be equal the IDs that makes part of the sequence, separated by ",".

  #   Ex.: "SEQUENCE/57,58,59" The skills ID 57,58 and 59 will be used after the

  #    action with that effect.
Well this text was removed directly from the script.

Also you could just test the demo, you would see that "Atoa" haves an multi hit skills, and "KaHh" haves an multi attack skill (plus the hit's are random from 2 to 4).

You should really read *all* (when i mean *all*, is really *all*) instrunctions. (the green text on the config scripts and add-ons).

I took me a lot of hours writting all those explanation, i think everyone willing to use this system would at least read them.
It's pretty sad that someone can't read, don't have time to read all the instructions or don't even bother to read at all. (I must admit that your instructions are one of the longest and most detailed ever.) I know it's really annoying when they skip the entire text, toy around with the script then complains.

I just love experimenting combination with your scripts and most of them work perfectly. (Got some problem with timing the animation but that's OK.) Sometimes I run into problem but your instruction helped me a lot.

Anyway, I hope you're doing fine. :smile: It's been a while since I last check this thread because I'm working on eventing pretty hard lately. No new bugs to report as of now.

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