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A life ahead...



A life ahead...

Type: RMXP Comic / Episode
Theme:Life, Society, Adverage day, Romance

Story: Chris a wheelchair guy has a heart desease in order that the memories of his 23 years old long life to not be forgotten he decides to tell it in a way that it will never be forgotten.

What exactly is it?
Basicly it's the story of my life. At first i'm going to concentrate more on the comic version than on the episode. A episode will sumerise about a big chunk of the comic in a 15min timeframe. This is not meant to get popular it's just a oath for my friends.



I posted before about how saying "Wheelchair Guy" was like calling the dark knight "Batmobile Man" as people are more than their means of conveyance. However, you seem to like it so what the heck.
A game too? Cool. From what I saw of the comic preview and everything so far it looks interesting, I can't wait for more progress on this (either comic or game.) Good luck :D

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