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A few simple AI tweaks

I need the stupid monsters to develop some kind of simple AI but I need it raw without any other script information as it will most likely conflict with my battle scripts.

Here's what I need:

1) The monster DOESNT use the exact same skill 2 times in a row.

2) The monsters won't use a skill that inflicts a status ALREADY inflicted. Ex: it will not use poison if the player is already poisoned

3) It will not do NOTHING once it runs out of skills points due to trying to use a skill

4) Monster only used resurrection skills when someone is actually DEAD.

I believe Seph has the advanced targetting but that would be too much of a hasle to merge with my other scripts.

P.S. Does anyone have the link to the script that moves out another payer from the main player within game to avoid alot of event details. Example, player speaks with someone, and the second hero comes out of him to speak as well. I searched but can't find it anymore and I'm fed up of doing it with events, lol.

Thanks alot Trickster, I'm very greatful for all the great scripts you've brought out. I'm downloading the demo now... bah dialup...

I hope it works out with my other scripts, and yes your other half has a targetting script, but I checked it out, it isn't what I needed, I hope this is :D

As for the p.s. I'm postive there was a script for that, it basically had whichever player you set's character set come and walk in the direction you want out of the player to avoid the long long constant setting of events for it.

I even remember that was stated as a reason to save hours in dev time

EDIT: It someone could please just make a basic script that stops ALL monsters from using their skills when they have 0SP, I would be very greatful. Tricksters' is nice, if it can start working without problems, but it's too specific, I need to have a general command that no monsters use skills with 0SP, and no monsters double their skill uses two turns in a row, and no monsters use a skill to inflict a status already inflicted on the player.


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