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Bullies are you're favorite kind of people? I can't support that. :tongue:
I do not see this kid as a hero, but I don't see him as a dumbass either. But no matter what don't blame him for getting killed. It is not his fault he was attacked.
Did you just said bullies are my fave kind of people?
Edit: Wait, was that sarcasm?
But yeah, it is not his fault for for getting attacked. He should've looked left and right before crossing the road but i guess when your life is in danger, you wouldn't care less.
These kind of people will never learn to behave nicely. Just put them in jail for the next 30 years so they miss the best part of their lives while beeing daily raped in the shower. The only good punishment.
But the saddest part is that he practiced tai kwondo (or whatever) and he couldn't defend himself...and don't call him a dumbass for running into the road. I wanted to see you getting beated up hard, get up and racionalize your situation and think of an escape route while trying to get away from the muggers. He just ran, unfortunately to the road. Atleast he didn't submit to them.