1-Scene CMS [Alternate Version]
Version: 1.01
Happy new year everyone! As a present for you all, here's my latest script! (It's been some times since I last scripted). This script is another CMS packed in one scene, hence the 'alternate version'. By creating this, I hope I've remembered most of the stuff about RGSS while I'm absent.
And, no, I'm not grounded that long, it's just that I get hooked up by other things (DoTA, Warcraft World Editor, Visual Basic) that I forgot RMXP.
MegaUpload || SendSpace
MegaUpload || SendSpace
Q : Is this script compatible with ?
A : See the script compatibility fix list section
Q : I can't seem to find it in the fix list...
A : Post the script here, then. I'll try to fix it.
Is SDK compliant.
Compatibility Fix
None at the moment
Version History
Ver. 1.00
~ Finished the script
Ver. 1.01
~ Fixed equipment menu bugs
Credits and Thanks
Special thanks to Sven Kistner for his MMD3 Winamp skin which inspires me to make this. Also Squall/Selwyn for his ASM.
Author's Notes
Credit me & enjoy!
Note: I need some one who can host the script text file, so people can directly copy it from the website instead of downloading it first.
Version: 1.01
Happy new year everyone! As a present for you all, here's my latest script! (It's been some times since I last scripted). This script is another CMS packed in one scene, hence the 'alternate version'. By creating this, I hope I've remembered most of the stuff about RGSS while I'm absent.
And, no, I'm not grounded that long, it's just that I get hooked up by other things (DoTA, Warcraft World Editor, Visual Basic) that I forgot RMXP.
- Categorized Items
- Fully Animated
- HP, MP, & EXP bars
- Icon on Command
- Custom Save & Load System
- Status Bars (Optional)

MegaUpload || SendSpace
MegaUpload || SendSpace
Put these icons into the icon folder to use the icon command features:
To put items into different catagory, simply apply attributes to them, you can apply more than 1 attributes to an item. In default, the attributes are :
:: 17 > Recovery items
:: 18 > Weaponry
:: 19 > Armor
:: 20 > Accessories
:: 21 > Key Items
:: 22 > Miscellanous Items

To put items into different catagory, simply apply attributes to them, you can apply more than 1 attributes to an item. In default, the attributes are :
:: 17 > Recovery items
:: 18 > Weaponry
:: 19 > Armor
:: 20 > Accessories
:: 21 > Key Items
:: 22 > Miscellanous Items
Q : Is this script compatible with ?
A : See the script compatibility fix list section
Q : I can't seem to find it in the fix list...
A : Post the script here, then. I'll try to fix it.
Is SDK compliant.
Compatibility Fix
None at the moment
Version History
Ver. 1.00
~ Finished the script
Ver. 1.01
~ Fixed equipment menu bugs
Credits and Thanks
Special thanks to Sven Kistner for his MMD3 Winamp skin which inspires me to make this. Also Squall/Selwyn for his ASM.
Author's Notes
Credit me & enjoy!
Note: I need some one who can host the script text file, so people can directly copy it from the website instead of downloading it first.