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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

The only problem is I don't know what my schedule will be like. Plenty of down time to think about what i want to do. The question is, when will i have time to do it, and will i have the spirit? I could come home a sunburnt zombie.


Chaos Goddess

Imagine having a schedule~ It could never be me.

Cinematic trailer for Fantasia Demo 3!
Most of the stuff I've been doing is related to writing.

Although I did complete Fantasia Scene 09, marking the last large scale overhaul complete. Only small stuff remains now, which is why the trailer above could be brought about.

So here's that.

Here's a re-written scene that is now much much shorter. From 40 minutes to 12.
Nice and powerful, too.

Here's a new scene and man is it a good climax for the end of disk 2 boss.
Obviously, it will contain spoilers, as will the following video.

Here's the aftermath.
I don't think I'll be able to make the Jam work. The deadline is July 3rd. But when I start subtracting the days I know I won't be able to do anything, that leaves me less than a week to work. And that's being optimistic. I'd have to submit it a day or 2 before then too because I probably won't have internet that weekend.
Which also means I won't get to play the other entries until much later.

Soooo. Now I'm in the process of redirecting. I got plenty of other things to work on. What do I feel like working on? I don't feel anything a.t.m.



I've put together a sort of outline for what I want my TTRPG system to do and how I want combat to play out when it happens. A lot is going to need balanced once I implement magic into the mix.

Other than that, I've been brainstorming ideas for some shooter maps. Ground Branch is supposed to add some community map making tools later on in development, but I've sort of got the urge to gove Unreal Engine 4 a go.
Been working on a game, just getting the basics for movement in the world sorted. You can turn the camera into 4 direction (which changes all the characters to the correct facing sprite, as they're just 2D). You can move with the keyboard or with on-screen buttons for mobile gaming. Next I'll be adding the animation triggers so you'll actually stop running on the spot, and gamepad support. Best to get all the input methods implemented early to save future headaches, lol.

Though the 3D shapes are awesome, they are limited. Even in display; it's stuck to this birds eye perspective view, so everything is rising up away from the centre of the screen (Think GTA for the PS1). Feels weird for an RPG game, lol.
I'm home but I'm on-call. And it's frustrating, I don't know how much time I actually have to myself. It could be 10minutes, could be 4 hours.
I think it's going to be like this all week and weekend.
I've downloaded a bunch of stuff to watch, listen, look at, later when I won't have internet.

I really want to get back into my rhythm of staying up all night and sleeping all day. That's when I'm most productive. When the world is asleep and I have no obligations and I can just flip that social part of my brain off.
Although. I still haven't got a handle on storytelling. I think maybe because that "social part" of your brain is required since it's a form of communication.
But it's not like writing during the day is any easier.

I know this comes up in writing groups. Supposedly you're brain is more "creatively connected" during and immediately after sleep. But others say in the morning you're more analytical, and at night you're more poetical. And it depends on the type of writing you want to do.
Well fuck me. My drawing tablet is dead. I dunno what happened. Probably got banged around too much in all my traveling.
I don't know if it's the usb cord or not but I haven't had any problems with it until today. My drawing tablets seem to have a lifespan of about 5 years.
So I've ordered a new one from Gaomon.

Some practice icons. Warming up my new tablet. I think I'll keep the Person and Cogwheel. My attempts to draw a beast, wolf, dragon head icon were ok but not the best.
Just a Front-View battler for Actor1_1. Over the years I keep starting over. I'm never happy with the poses or I have second thoughts about the weapon I gave them or it's not stylish enough. I should finish MV's first before MZ's.

For whatever reason, both editions has number of missing battlers.
In MV: Actor1_1 Actor1_2 Actor1_8 Actor2_7 Actor_2_8 Actor3_3 Actor3_4 Actor3_7 Actor_3_8
In MZ: Actor1_1 Actor1_2 Actor1_7 Actor1_8 Actor_2_8 Actor3_5 Actor3_6 Actor3_7 Actor3_8


Chaos Goddess

Alrighty! Been a while since I gave y'all an update so here goes, due to the immensity of work and accomplishments this post might be a long one.

In spite of my usual productivity, the last week has been a bit of a 'nothing gets done' affair, I've been busy compiling my Reimu Cosplay and playing games mostly, I think I burnt myself out a bit.

Not to say I haven't done anything since my last post, of course! Been updating writing everywhere I can, though not much of this is really worthy of a video or flooding with screenshots.

Although I can show you this non-canon thing I just did one day.

I've also implemented a bunch of portraits courtesy of the next on our list.

He got me the remainder of the Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim portraits. leaving only Lilith of the ENNUI. He also finished submissions for Xaela.



He's now getting me the Young Koko Portraits, of which only one pose and two expressions remain!

My letter hasn't arrived yet, but I estimate it to do so no later than the 27th. Xiie has also mentioned she is working on getting a secure internet connection via finding some work.

That's all worth really showing at present.
I was spaced out like a zombie yesterday I forgot about the Harold Jam starting.
I've kind of have and idea of what I'm doing. For starters I just want to try drawing Harold in the MZ style. But I'm still fighting this new tablet. It's both the table and GIMP.
I think there is such a thing as a "Writer's Muscle". And I've exhausted mine for the day. Even as I'm writing this I feel tapped out.

I started outlining for my jam entry. I've noticed I'm falling into the same pitfalls. Idk if this is a sign of how anti-social I am, but I have a bad habit of isolating characters so they have no one to talk to. Or maybe it's from when I tried writing for comics and it was natural to have a character's alone with their thoughts that caption panel activities.
After writing my thoughts down I decided I'd do a study/exercise and write out a beat sheet for Final Fantasy 8. Simply because I've played it so many times I practically have it memorized.
I call it a "beat sheet" but it was just a 1 line summery of key scenes. Who talks to who, and what information it get's across.
I wasn't really looking at the plot, I was just asking myself what the writer(s) were thinking when they put it together.
Disc 1 is very tidy. By my reckoning, there's about 50 key scenes on disc 1, that breaks down to about 5 scenes per location.
So for a Short Game entry - I'm going to try writing 10 scenes.

As a side note: Disc 2 has about 30 scenes, and Disc 3 maybe 20. Disc 4 only has like 8 points to it, but maybe only 2 or 3 scenes wrapping things up. I suspect they were trying to limit Squall's story to 2 discs. ~100 scenes. I've read that Laguna's portions were suppose to be half the game, maybe 2 disks itself. But they cut a lot out of it. Anyways what I call a "scene" depends on the important plot information it communicates. So after Disc 1 it get's pretty sloppy. The weakest point in the game, without a doubt, is the start of Disc 3. Rinoa is in a coma and they go talk to Edea about her being possessed.
It cuts to a blackscreen. Squall is processing his feelings about Rinoa in thought bubbles at the same time the other characters are making giant leaps. "Ultimecia is from the future. She wants Ellone to reach further into the past. Obviously she's attempting time compression...Squall are you listening?". Talk about time compression! I'm 90% sure this was a quick and dirty patch job to cover what they took out.

Ultimately Laguna's story was cut to ~20 scenes give or take. The final dream sequence was basically a montage of how he defeated Adel. But what was Adel's problem? What was the deal with Norg? The Shumi Tribe? The moombas? Why does reading the Timber Maniacs issue from the Shumi Village leave Ward out of the Dream sequence where they're filming a movie? Why did Ellone want Laguna to stay behind with Raine? When did Laguna and Odine become aware of Ultimecia? Why is a "future" sorceress living in an old-timey castle? If Adel's campaign was the 2nd Sorceress War, what happened in the 1st? So many questions.

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