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i will make some titles and gameovers

Are you taking requests again? If so then read ahead, if not then plz excuse me and just do it when you have time I guess.

game title- Genocide Sequence
game over or title- Title, but if you could do gameover too it would be awsome.
description- I don't want to give a away too much, but basically in a cyberpunk futuresk setting (maybe a hundred years or less in the future) a race of aleins (that look alot like us) observes us and decides we are like parasites of this planet and need to be destroyed. They want to perserve the planet however so bombing and other types of warfare are out of the question. so they send down war bots to do their dirty work, along with a few robotic armors called "Watchers" that the aleins wear.
other info- I would like to send you some concepts by PM that I made in ms paint (really crappy but you'll get the idea) to give you an idea of what kind of technology and style are in the game. The reason I don't want to post it is I want my game kind of hush hush right now.
St3roids said:
game title-Seas of Sedonia
game over or title- title
size-(640x480 normal)
artistic freedom- Do what ever you want i suppose, not too much layers and graphics keep it "kindaaaa" simple
description-Something to do with the sea or a boat on the sea or something.

Thanks in advance..
just a question does this have anything to do with pirates?



HI, can i have one one done,

Game title: Lost memories
Title screen
size: 640 x 480 normal
err....the ocean and a tall tower at the side, and lost memories at the other side? in fancy shakespeare like riting.

thank you! If u do!
The game consists of a group of 6 friends and a dog who witness the televised excavation of an ancient video game machine called The Godyssey. All video game enthusiasts, they resolve to travel together to the faraway land where the Godyssey was discovered to try to get the chance to play it. Along the way they start to notice something strange: every town they pass through seems to have become a video game. They must fight their way through gangs, hordes of zombies, the evil town of Audible Hill, the stereotypical fantasy land of Towne, 8-bit foes, and anything else that stands between them and the ultimate gaming experience.

That sounds fucking awesome.

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