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zyndikate's Grassland tileset and autotiles.

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Absolutely beautiful. The perspective on one of those tombstones looks a little off- although maybe you intended it to look like it was leaning/tilting?

This is really solid stuff. I'd love to see you do some more- you said you did this just for fun and don't plan on revisiting it, but doing some houses and interiors to really flesh out the set.
I usually dislike this, but; EYEGASM! Dear God, it's so cool! I downloaded it and I expect to be playing around with it for a while. :D Are you a professional? If not you could be, in my opinion.

Too bad you won't be doing more like it... Oh, well!
Im just a artstudent so far.
Here is some RTPcharacters thats just got a little tweak - and im confident that anyone with some photoshop knowledge can do this.
Basicly I have lowered the contrast and desaturated it, also in ctrl+b(color balance) there is yellow added to highlights and magenta to shadows - play around and just applie it to the sets you want. Its just a mather of bringing the palette together, in color and value.
I made two examples that I think works well, it depends on how you want it, these blend fairly well but also stands out a little - You can push it so they read even better by having more contrast and saturation, would probably be better for an ABS Im guessing.

Oh, and I added a shadow since I think that adds a little extra - nothing fancy but effective for the perspective (same color as the tileset shadow, dont forgeth to make them semi-transparent!).
zyndikate;311760 said:
arctrooper48 - Aim higher, study the fundamentals like colortheory, form and perspective - and draw/paint/pixel much,much,much and you will pass my skills with no problems :)

I'll keep that in mind. I think I have drawing down, and pixel is getting there.
Wow those are great. It'd be cool to see the rest of the RTP tilesets redone, but that would take along time. :eek:

Anyway, that's beautiful work. Kudos ;)
Its the shadows of the trees that do it for me. It finally gives a decent sense of perspective that the rtp never seemed to have. This has depth.

Deep man XD

Nice set, I would hassle you by asking for more, but when you do make new pieces, I would love to see them.
How long did it take to do this? This isn't just A one sitting or two or 24!? Or is it? I would also tip my hat but i got none D= But i do love the charater to death. Could you prop show it standing up?
No, it was made in several sittings, maybe 3-4hours each sit and 5-6 sits.
I dont have the character standing, I just made him for the mockup.
Like Atemu said, it's not going to fit with anything by itself , however this could become the new alternative to RTP, so far this is the only one I've liked, if you continued this I'd remake my own project just to use it.
zyndikate hasn't been around since November 09, 2007, so I don't think this'll see much support. Thusly, I'm locking this.

zyndikate can PM me to reopen this if he so wishes, thanks!
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