I thought I'd make a new thread because I feel like posting all the time, rather than just during the Music Festival event.
Some Songs
These are some compilations of noises wot i did. Some are already on an album/EP of mine, some are not.
Most of these are from 2013+
([Add date][Type] Title)
- [27/09/2014][Theme] Arena Rumble Opening
- [27/09/2014][Theme] Opening Theme
- [27/09/2014][Theme] Opening Theme II
- [29/09/2014][Theme] Choices*
- [27/09/2014][Boss Battle] Prove Your Worth*
- [27/09/2014][Epic Boss Battle] The Rising Strength
- [23/03/2016][Epic Boss Battle] The Dance of Darkness*
- [14/04/2016][Cover] Fallen Angel - P&SWG ED*
As of this original post, I have just finished Prove Your Worth which I started yesterday. Comments and critique much appreciated.