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Zen's Music Den

Each year I've released an experimental EP, and this year is probably my most serious so far. I've finally established a sound and style I like, and I'd like to know what you guys think.
Have a listen here - It's not a final copy (I still have mixing to do, yay :blank:) but it's getting pretty close.
Nice melodies, good dynamics, catchy! The only thing I would remark is that some instruments have a rather long attack and release considering how upbeat the piece is. Especially at the start of the track, they seem to lag behind the drums a little. But the beautiful buildup makes up for that, the crescendo around 0:30 makes the hairs on my neck rise :). I would definitely use this under a boss battle!


Awesome Bro

I like it, it's got layers and some depth/texture. The strings are overpowering the rest of the mix, I would bury the strings and the woodwinds a bit, and give the guitars some mid. I like how crunchy they are, but I feel like they can be more pronounced and add a nice dynamic to the trebley strings that are going on. Possibly displace the sound of the room with an overall reverb. Make the song feel big, it's a boss battle!

Good stuff!
Thanks for the comments guys, I'm glad you liked it!
I widened the strings to fill the room a little more, and made them a little less intrusive.
Cleared up the rhythm guitars a little bit so they're a bit more crisp and the palm mutes are a bit punchier - Same with the bass guitar.
And of course, @Nuri Yuri, they will be included in the final product :thumb: - They're actually what put together my preview there; the track actually ends on the drum fill.

Not sure about the drums though.
They sound a bit thin, but I don't really have another good sounding ones.

Here's a revised copy.


Awesome Bro

Drums wise, bring the snare out a little bit to bring the beat to the forefront. A good battle theme has a charging/driving drum line. The EQ on the drums could be a little better. I think they sound good, but they kinda sound shallow.

I suggest looking into a VST FX called UpStereo. It can be used to simulate the kit pushing more air and giving it a nice sense of depth. I like the rest of the work you did! The guitars sound MUCH better! The melody is more pronounced and the strings aren't as over bearing as they were. The fills are great on the drums, but the levels seem a bit weak to me. That's my opinion though.

Keep at it!
I just downloaded UpStereo - Reminds me of FL's Soundgoodizer, only with more options.
Fiddling with it for the amount of time I did, I couldn't help but notice that it seems to either distort the lows like crazy, or have no lows at all. I couldn't manage to make the drums sound any better with it, unfortunately. However, I am going to download Superior Drummer 2, so hopefully that works well. (It'd better, 18gb d/l at 250kBs :blank: )

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