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Zelda-type menu

Well, I guess MeisMe's menu is lost forever, so I'll request one that fills my wants a bit better.

I want a menu in the style of Ocarena of Time's, that sort of scrolls from section to section using the "R" and "L" buttons. The menu must be compatible with Prexus' ABS.

First screen is the items, and it should be about a 7x5 grid that shows just the icons of the items and the name of the selected item at the top. The list should show items only, and not weapons or armor. Items don't even need to be useable from the menu, because only "key items" are used.

Second is the skills, which should also be 7x5 grid of the icons of the skills, also displaying the name of the selected skill at the top. Skills should be able to be set to "X", "Y", and "Z" like normal for Prexus' ABS.

It isn't important that the items or skills can scroll down a list, as there will only be 35 of each.

Third is the map screen, which should, depending on the player's location and whether or not a certain switch is on (different for each area, so one dungeon might use switch 0023 and another use 0025), show a map (from the pictures folder) of the area, preferably with floor selection stuff off to the side, depending on if the area is a dungeon or overworld area.

Last is the equip screen, which should simply show the first character's battler, and next to him the items he's currently equipping, icon and name, no stats.
I did both, a couple weeks ago. Yeyinde never really answered (though he reposted the HUD, not the menu), and I didn't get anything from the Lost Scripts. Believe me, Tana, I've done everything I could but script it myself, and this is out of my league.

Screw it. All I have on this computer is Paint, and I can't make a decent mockup without at least The Gimp, which won't run on this. I'll have to find some good pictures of Oot and post those. They're pretty damn close anyway.

Items. Also applies to skills. Don't need the markers for bottles or whatever. 6x4 is also an okay size. Actually, I haven't figured out all my items yet, so it may be better:
http://n64media.ign.com/media/previews/ ... asm_11.jpg[/IMG]
Map screen. Don't need markers for boss key, map or compass:
http://n64media.ign.com/media/news/imag ... ungeon.jpg[/IMG]

As for the equipment screen, I just want the battler on the left, with the equipped items on the right (icons and names), and that's all.

Sorry for the crappy screenshots, but that's all I can come up with when I'm looking for it.

I haven't completely decided yet, but I think I'm going with larger icons, like 48x48, so could you design the items and skills screen to use 48x48 pixel icons? Thanks.

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