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Zelda Styled battle system with mana influence

I would like a zelda type battle system I would do it myself but i havent the slightest idea about how to make a script also if possible a zelda menu system i dont know how to do it i know how it should look but not how to do it
as for the battle system i think a standard top view zelda system would be grand but with one thing a limit break type thinger im still trying to figure out how that would work but its a concept i want sort of like using dins fire from ocarina of time only in order to trigger it you would have to attack a bunch of times and getting hit would fill the bar of whatever kind of like the more powerful attacks from sword of mana only theres different levels of it which I recall one of the mana games has

Sword of mana has the summon feature which is cool but i dont want it however there was the whole getting more spirits makes them more powerful so for like an attack by din or a restore by nayru than the more of their crystals you collect then the more it would do
so for like dins strike(i just made up the name its not an actual name)
if you had 1 of dins shards out of 4 than dins strike would hit the square in front of you but for 3 times damage if you had two shards than it would hit two squares in front and one behind one to your left and one to your right
if you had 3 shards then it would hit 3 squares out in a circle and 4 shards would hit 5 squares out in a circle but if you did a quest to combine them than when you used it you would wipe out everything on the screen but your limit would have to be one level below the max out of 4

so yeah thats kinda my system that id like if someone could help me with it that would be grand like i said earlier

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