Jacko's about as pretty a man as Anne Coulter is a beautiful woman. You could carve a roast on Link's face.Miek":1wijif9m said:Casting Link, they went way too far off the bishie end. He looks like a blonde Jacko. :'<
Atemu":8re2noer said:I'm voting on the latter, Sic.
And, this is going to be SO not me, but... I don't care if the guy they used for Link isn't cute. The whole damn thing is just BEYOND cool, that I really wish it were the real thing. Definitely the best "Zelda the Movie" joke trailer I've ever seen.
NO! I won't let them ruin it! NEVER!MISSINGNO.":2kthmvu6 said:Guys, I think this is real. If you look at it, you see that they commissioned a small independent films company (http://www.rainfallfilms.com/) to create this. IGN isn't creating the movie themselves, but they are funding it, which makes it plausible...
Really, check it out guys. This might just be true!