I like the fact that it contrasts nasty Christianity with an idealised "natural" paganism: they've both equally as pointless and backwards.
Like all internet movies, it's a bit callow, empty and does not contain enough depth.
Nowhere is 9/11 summed up more adaquetely than this titbit from Col. Robert Bowman:
Like all internet movies, it's a bit callow, empty and does not contain enough depth.
Nowhere is 9/11 summed up more adaquetely than this titbit from Col. Robert Bowman:
"I think the very kindest thing that we can say about George W. Bush and all the people in the U.S. Government that have been involved in this massive cover-up, the very kindest thing we can say is that they were aware of impending attacks and let them happen. Now some people will say that's much too kind, however even that is high treason and conspiracy to commit murder."