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Your religion or atheist belief.

Sic Semper Tyranosaurus":3a42ddiy said:
I'm agnostic and believe that trying to prove your own belief cheapens what faith you claim to have.  :thumb: If it's faith, why do you need to prove it other than to make yourself feel/look better?
Very true Sic Semper, but how do you convert someone if you don't show the people why you believe? I'm not trying to convert anyone, but you can't sell anyone a new soda if they haven't had a taste first.
Diaforetikos":p6uwf1iv said:
Sic Semper Tyranosaurus":p6uwf1iv said:
I'm agnostic and believe that trying to prove your own belief cheapens what faith you claim to have.  :thumb: If it's faith, why do you need to prove it other than to make yourself feel/look better?
Very true Sic Semper, but how do you convert someone if you don't show the people why you believe? I'm not trying to convert anyone, but you can't sell anyone a new soda if they haven't had a taste first.

That's the point, you shouldn't be trying to convert someone to your beliefs; they are perfectly OK to have their own beliefs.
Fayte":3il9k37h said:
I mainly believe this simply because I can't deal with the idea that after death there is just nothingness, it's a little.... scary o_o
I have to agree. It's difficult for me to accept that nothing happens once you die. It's just one of those things that gives me a headache when I try to think about it.
Diaforetikos":1a5gxa0m said:
Sic Semper Tyranosaurus":1a5gxa0m said:
I'm agnostic and believe that trying to prove your own belief cheapens what faith you claim to have.  :thumb: If it's faith, why do you need to prove it other than to make yourself feel/look better?
Very true Sic Semper, but how do you convert someone if you don't show the people why you believe?
I also think it's asinine and rude to try to convert people, especially if they have so little interest in your faith that they request proof.  :thumb:
Some people call me agnostic, but I prefer to call myself religionless. I'm apatheticist. I don't think about life after death. Why bother until you're dying? I'll never understand why some people devote their entire lives to dying.

The pure and simple fact that your existence is almost statistically impossible in the scope of the universe is reason enough to just roll with it and enjoy the galactic lottery while it's rolling 7's.

If something happens, cool. I've been a fairly decent person, so yay? If I'm not "good enough", then ... sucks to be dead-me?

If something doesn't happen ... Well then it won't really matter to me, will it?

I'll admit, when I was going through an operation a few years ago, as I was going under general anesthesia, the sudden idea that there could be an existence-less afterlife was not just scary, but 10 miles past terrifying. But then I woke up, and shit was fine again. I think I was mostly just afraid to die ... more than anything else, anyway.
I am a muslim. I've vaguely studied others, since I was bored at the time, and like to at times(i.e not on forums) have religious debates, and the occasional people who think EVERY MUSLIM IS A TERRORIST(jesus these people are SO FUCKING STUPID I cannot begin to explain.
As for the creationism vs evolution argument, I honestly do not care, but I believe god created this universe, and created these natural systems that we follow, like ecosystems and evolution itself. But I do not believe we evolved from monkeys though. I'm not going to argue this belief because VIDYA GAEM FORUM isn't the best place imho for this stuff, nor am I INFORMED ENOUGH to actually back up this belief(which makes it bullshit, but yeah I do not really care for this argument).
I'd like to live in a world with no religions at all. It's true that religions always have a VERY positive side (helps the poor, goes against drugs, promotes familiar union, etc), but as everything made by man, it also have the bad side (wars, fanatism, abuse of power by it's maximum authorities).

I think that if there's a God he/her hasn't showed him/herself directly to mankind yet, as religions are far from perfect (and God is Perfect right?). Only a few people in humankind's history truly understood the meaning of God and tried to comunicate that to us, although almost anyone understood them 'til now. These people are great-masters through history: Lao-Tsé, Jesus, Buddha, etc. I have nothing against muslims but I'm not informed about Mahoma & I preffer not to talk about something I don't know, I promise I'll see muslim roots soon.

Of course, that shit about muslims = terrorist, non-christians = going to hell, god forbids blood transfusions, are just man-made extreme beliefs and without falling into my own precept of "respecting everyone else's beliefs" I can say that this is just logical to men manipulating men.

If someone would ever ask me what religion I am I'd say: God knows, as I can hear him/her inside my heart before making any desition in my life. What is God to me? That everything and nothing coexisting at the same time in the Universe, that energy you feel when you do something in your life that was worth the effort, or the moment you really enjoy whatever it is you are doing..... if true balance would exist within us we'd need no religions nor man-made gods at all.

Damn, I haven't been the best person around but if there's a god that judges just the last moments of my life, or condemns me for my religion assosiation/beliefs, or appreciates the fact that I killed someone in his religion's name... it's a god I don't need, and I can live a completely normal-life, with happy and sad moments as EVERYONE, without this man-made "god".

Right now I'm 23, I took 20 years of my life to figure out this: just accept people the way they are, push aside the ones that only hurt you after you've given them enough chances (but always leave forgiving option opened), and RESPECT everyone else's beliefs, talk about yours only if asked and don't try to "convert" that's just vanity. If the person does something wrong or needs help, help him/her but don't try to convert him/her, let the person decide for him/herself. Why to do this? Primarily to evade wars & conflict.

Is there something beyond death? We'll all know when we get there I suppose, as death doesn't care to know who you are.



Ice, hush.

I'm not trying to convert anyone, but you can't sell anyone a new soda if they haven't had a taste first.
Why does everyone always leave out the rest?
A: Because it was a pointless analogy that didn't matter much to what Sic was saying.
B: If you're not trying to convert anyone, why are you trying to sell the soda in the first place?

I'm Muslim, myself (though not particularly religious about it at the moment,) although I don't follow what a lot of people pretend Islam is -- see: Saudi Arabia (for the record, Saudi Arabia has taken an incredibly strict misogynist interpretation of the Qu'ran, and it doesn't actually condone beating your wife or making women wear burquas.) I keep an open mind about religion, and I feel that Islam fits my mindset -- partially because (despite what these "jihadists" seem to believe) it doesn't tell you to hate or belittle anyone, partially because I can see a lot of reason behind the various regulations (except for the no-pork rule, but I think that's just the Islamic fixation on avoiding unclean meats,) and partially because certain points make a great deal more sense to me -- I never believed in a Trinity or that Jesus Christ was God/God's son. The Qu'ran acknowledges that Isa (I'm using the Arabic name for him now) was a prophet of God (I'm not using the Arabic "Allah" because God is two letters shorter and Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all were created to worship the same one god anyway) who was born in a miraculous fashion and was resurrected in a miraculous fashion, but without raising him to god status himself -- and to me, all of Jesus' teachings (except those lines of dialogue which were put in his mouth after his death and resurrection) don't fit the assumption that he was God in the first place. In  places, he denied that he was God outright.

Basically, this part of my preference for Islam boils down to "if there is one God, why try to split him into three pieces?" Please don't start quoting Scripture to me to prove that Jesus was God, because one of my main issues with the Bible is that it has been consciously edited in the past to accommodate what religious scholars had decided it should say. I'm sure that sort of thing has happened to the Qu'ran as well, so don't think I'm trying to put my religion on a pedestal.

Everything else is too minute to go into much detail about, and I can't recall it all off of the top of my head, anyway. Just... Yeah.
Well, I follow the general teachings of Zen Buddism, not really buddist though. I find closing your eyes and relaxing to find "inner peace", or calmness, very relaxing. Raised by psycho catholics though.
I'm a universian.  That means I believe the universe was created somehow, someway and I'll never know for sure how, but I take the most overwhelming evidence and acknowledge that its right until some other piece of overwhelming evidence says otherwise.
@Miek, I've realized that, thank you, (as in I've spent counless hours in chapters (a bookstore) reading the books there. It's great. None of the staff even care if you're buying the book or not.
I don't think religion should interfere with life.  Religion is good for debate, but things like praying at a certain time are, in my opinion, a waste of time that could be spent on something productive.  I'm not saying praying is bad, but praying just for the sake of praying is pointless.  A lot of religions seem to want to force themselves upon a person, even atheism (religion or not).  I've made it very clear that I don't want people to see Guardianism and say "Hey, that looks cool, let's join!"  It is what I believe, but it should not be exactly what another person believes.

I believe what I believe because it helps me get through each day.  When I try to think that we die and nothing happens after that, I almost instantly get depressed, so I have to believe that something happens after death.  I'm involved in religion mostly for debating purposes (although any debate I've tried has ended in a scream-fest). 

I have no problems with other religions, but I do have problems with the people who obsessively try to convert people or are so narrow-minded that they think their beliefs are the only possible ones.  Also, using religion to start a war is horrible because it leads to people general disliking the religion attached to the war (such as how people are stupid enough to relate Muslim to terrorist).

My last word for this post: think.  Don't let others think for you.
The thing is, religion doesn't. It integrates with life. This sounds cheesy, but I honestly love meditation. I can make think a lot clearer afterwards, and its more of a subject for person willing to expand their Mental processes, to stop being close minded.

But yeah, religion shouldn't interfere, it should be part of it. If you have a religion, that is.

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