Yet Another External Message Script
Version: 1.0 : 21/08/2009
By: Trebor777
Loads a txt file, and call the messages stored in it for your dialogs! Make your life easier for translations, and management.
Aims to be super simple !
Well... it's for dialogs... so...
It's so simple you shouldn't need one.
# ================================================================
# Yet Another External Message Script
# Trebor777
# v 1.0
# 21/08/2009
# ================================================================
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">=begin
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> How to use ?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> 1st, you need to load the messages in memory. The messages are stored
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> in files, inside the Data/Text/ folder ( you need to create it )
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> The text file can be name as you like
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> So you load the file like this :
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> Text_Reader.load_file(filename) !!! filename doesn't contain the extension !!!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> Then to display a message from this file, using the call_script command:
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> display_message(id , position, background, face_name, face_index)
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> You don't have to specify: position, background, face_name & index, by default:
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .position = 2, means bottom of the screen ( 0 = top, 1 = middle, 2 = bottom)
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .background = 1, means "dark", ( 0 = normal, 1 = dark(uses the messageback), 2 = transparent)
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .face_name = "", means no faceset is used. it's the name of the Faceset file.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .face_index = 0, the position of the face in the faceset.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> FILE SPECIFICATION: very simple
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> . file extension must be .txt.'
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> . the messages are identified by numbers
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> . messages can take as many lines as you wish, because RM is not that dumb, it'll
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> display new "messages" when there are more than 4 lines.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> example:
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">[0000]:Hey! How's it going?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Not too bad! You?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">I'm cool.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Great so what's up?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">[0001]: Not much actually, I'm working on a game called "SUPER GAME"
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">REeeaally ??? That's cool dude!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Yeah
we're quite happy with it, though there is still loads to do!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">[0002]: Well tell me when there will be a demo!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Sure I'll !
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">line 3
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">line 4
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">line 5
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"># ================================================================
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">=end
module Text_Reader
@@messages = {}
def self.load_file(file_id)
if File.exist? "Data/Text/#{file_id}.txt""Data/Text/#{file_id}.txt",'rb'){ |file| Text_Reader.parse(file)}
p "I'm not crashing, but just to tell you: Text File \"#{file_id}.txt\" doesn't exist in the Data/Text/ folder."
def self.parse(file)
lines = file.readlines
id = 0
lines.each do |line|
# Check if message ID is found
id_ = line.scan(/\[(\d+)\]:/).flatten # Extract "[0000]:", if no ID, returns []
txt = line.split("[#{id_}]:").last.chomp # ID or not, the message will always be the last item in the split, ( last is the 1st, if size == 1 ). Removes the end of line character.
id = id_[0].to_i unless id_.empty? # Update current message ID if there is a new one
if @@messages[id].nil? # New id ?
@@messages[id] = [txt] # Add a new message array containing the 1st line
@@messages[id] << txt # Add the line to the current message array
def self.[](id)
@@messages[id] || [] # If the message doesn't exist, return an empty array
instead of nil
class Game_Interpreter
def display_message(id, position = 2, back = 1, face_name = "", face_index = 0)
Text_Reader[id].each {|str| $game_message.texts << str }
@message_waiting = true
$game_message.background = back
$game_message.position = position
$game_message.face_name = face_name
$game_message.face_index = face_index
$game_message.main_proc = { @message_waiting = false }
return false
Read the header or read this:
How to use ?
1st, you need to load the messages in memory. The messages are stored in files, inside the Data/Text/ folder ( you need to create it )
The text file can be name as you like
So you load the file like this :
[rgss]Text_Reader.load_file(filename) # !!! filename doesn't contain the extension !!!
Then to display a message from this file, using the call_script command:
[rgss]display_message(id , position, background, face_name, face_index)
You don't have to specify: position, background, face_name & index, by default:
Be Aware for the length of each line !!! text editors are not limited unlike the event message !
Does this work under XP ? Maybe I'm not sure, because of the way message are handled in XP. A XP version might come in the future, if heavily requested.
When I call twice display_message in the same "script" command, the 2nd message follows the 1st on the same page, is it a bug?? No it's not, it's voluntary for flexibility.
If you want two different messages to not be following each other directly on the same message box, simply call the second one , in a new "call script" command.
Should be compatible with everything
I added a method in the Game Interpreter class.
Terms and Conditions
As usual, Commercial or Not, you can edit it, just don't delete my name
, You don't have to put me in the credits.
Version: 1.0 : 21/08/2009
By: Trebor777
Loads a txt file, and call the messages stored in it for your dialogs! Make your life easier for translations, and management.
Aims to be super simple !
Well... it's for dialogs... so...
It's so simple you shouldn't need one.
# ================================================================
# Yet Another External Message Script
# Trebor777
# v 1.0
# 21/08/2009
# ================================================================
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">=begin
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> How to use ?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> 1st, you need to load the messages in memory. The messages are stored
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> in files, inside the Data/Text/ folder ( you need to create it )
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> The text file can be name as you like
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> So you load the file like this :
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> Text_Reader.load_file(filename) !!! filename doesn't contain the extension !!!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> Then to display a message from this file, using the call_script command:
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> display_message(id , position, background, face_name, face_index)
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> You don't have to specify: position, background, face_name & index, by default:
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .position = 2, means bottom of the screen ( 0 = top, 1 = middle, 2 = bottom)
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .background = 1, means "dark", ( 0 = normal, 1 = dark(uses the messageback), 2 = transparent)
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .face_name = "", means no faceset is used. it's the name of the Faceset file.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> .face_index = 0, the position of the face in the faceset.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> FILE SPECIFICATION: very simple
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> . file extension must be .txt.'
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> . the messages are identified by numbers
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> . messages can take as many lines as you wish, because RM is not that dumb, it'll
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> display new "messages" when there are more than 4 lines.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> example:
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">[0000]:Hey! How's it going?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Not too bad! You?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">I'm cool.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Great so what's up?
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">[0001]: Not much actually, I'm working on a game called "SUPER GAME"
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">REeeaally ??? That's cool dude!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Yeah
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">[0002]: Well tell me when there will be a demo!
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Sure I'll !
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">line 3
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">line 4
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">line 5
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"># ================================================================
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">=end
module Text_Reader
@@messages = {}
def self.load_file(file_id)
if File.exist? "Data/Text/#{file_id}.txt""Data/Text/#{file_id}.txt",'rb'){ |file| Text_Reader.parse(file)}
p "I'm not crashing, but just to tell you: Text File \"#{file_id}.txt\" doesn't exist in the Data/Text/ folder."
def self.parse(file)
lines = file.readlines
id = 0
lines.each do |line|
# Check if message ID is found
id_ = line.scan(/\[(\d+)\]:/).flatten # Extract "[0000]:", if no ID, returns []
txt = line.split("[#{id_}]:").last.chomp # ID or not, the message will always be the last item in the split, ( last is the 1st, if size == 1 ). Removes the end of line character.
id = id_[0].to_i unless id_.empty? # Update current message ID if there is a new one
if @@messages[id].nil? # New id ?
@@messages[id] = [txt] # Add a new message array containing the 1st line
@@messages[id] << txt # Add the line to the current message array
def self.[](id)
@@messages[id] || [] # If the message doesn't exist, return an empty array
class Game_Interpreter
def display_message(id, position = 2, back = 1, face_name = "", face_index = 0)
Text_Reader[id].each {|str| $game_message.texts << str }
@message_waiting = true
$game_message.background = back
$game_message.position = position
$game_message.face_name = face_name
$game_message.face_index = face_index
$game_message.main_proc = { @message_waiting = false }
return false
Read the header or read this:
How to use ?
1st, you need to load the messages in memory. The messages are stored in files, inside the Data/Text/ folder ( you need to create it )
The text file can be name as you like
So you load the file like this :
[rgss]Text_Reader.load_file(filename) # !!! filename doesn't contain the extension !!!
Then to display a message from this file, using the call_script command:
[rgss]display_message(id , position, background, face_name, face_index)
You don't have to specify: position, background, face_name & index, by default:
- position = 2, means bottom of the screen ( 0 = top, 1 = middle, 2 = top)
- background = 1, means "dark", ( 0 = normal, 1 = dark(uses the messageback), 2 = transparent)
- face_name = "", means no faceset is used. it's the name of the Faceset file.
- face_index = 0, the position of the face in the faceset.
- file extension must be .txt.'
- the messages are identified by numbers
- messages can take as many lines as you wish, because RM is not that dumb, it'll display new "messages" when there are more than 4 lines.
[0000]:Hey! How's it going?
Not too bad! You?
I'm cool.
Great so what's up?
[0001]: Not much actually, I'm working on a game called "SUPER GAME"
REeeaally ??? That's cool dude!
Yeahwe're quite happy with it, though there is still loads to do!
[0002]: Well tell me when there will be a demo!
Sure I'll !
line 3
line 4
line 5
Be Aware for the length of each line !!! text editors are not limited unlike the event message !
Does this work under XP ? Maybe I'm not sure, because of the way message are handled in XP. A XP version might come in the future, if heavily requested.
When I call twice display_message in the same "script" command, the 2nd message follows the 1st on the same page, is it a bug?? No it's not, it's voluntary for flexibility.
If you want two different messages to not be following each other directly on the same message box, simply call the second one , in a new "call script" command.
Should be compatible with everything
Terms and Conditions
As usual, Commercial or Not, you can edit it, just don't delete my name