Made some small changes yesterday but forgot to post 'em because i'm working on something else (another temp), here's the female again.. i did not change alot on the breast area but i think i got it to look better than before, i'm going to say it's finished now, but if someone still sees a prob on that area that i don't then please feel free to edit it and pm me, i will learn better from a visual there.
I will try to create more eye variations, only have two at the moment, the first has some damn evil look lol, and the second a more "anime" feel to it, i like the second better for the female than the norm she has now but that's me, i will wait a little while and then ask to have it up on the sticky. album/DiffstyleEyes-Fem.png
I will try to create more eye variations, only have two at the moment, the first has some damn evil look lol, and the second a more "anime" feel to it, i like the second better for the female than the norm she has now but that's me, i will wait a little while and then ask to have it up on the sticky. album/DiffstyleEyes-Fem.png