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YellowMellow (or YM Temp) -wip-

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Made some small changes yesterday but forgot to post 'em because i'm working on something else (another temp), here's the female again.. i did not change alot on the breast area but i think i got it to look better than before, i'm going to say it's finished now, but if someone still sees a prob on that area that i don't then please feel free to edit it and pm me, i will learn better from a visual there.

I will try to create more eye variations, only have two at the moment, the first has some damn evil look lol, and the second a more "anime" feel to it, i like the second better for the female than the norm she has now but that's me, i will wait a little while and then ask to have it up on the sticky.
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c35/Osmos/Extra album/DiffstyleEyes-Fem.png
I agree and will make the adjustments right now, thanks ^_^

Edit: also got rid of some of that ankle "fat" on all of them and shrunk the kids feet down a little.
You just like making temps, dont you? The little man, the alternate man, the osmos(I think thats what it was called, did you ever complete that?), the YM, and now the nexter. Anyways, it looks good so far. It has a SNESy look to it.
Hehe, the more i make the better i get and the easier it gets, there was the Q template (my 1st attempt, only the male was created), made that back when rmxp.net was alive, nick was Mclefty back then, then there was another but i can't remember the name now, made the child, male, female for it, then the small man template, the the alternate man, now the ym, and soon the nexter lol (i'm sure i'm forgetting one), and in between many others i never finished up, but yeah i enjoy making them ..though some parts are still a pain in the ass to work on heh, ah and the osmos was one of those unfinished attempts:)

Edit: Ah i had created two characters for fun last night (nexter, one frames), not the greatest but not bad for examples.

Went for a tucked in look for the old mans shirt but i think it could have been alot better.
http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c35/Osmos/Extra album/Fon-NexterCharacters.png
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