You can also use if you had it the UMS (universal message system), or do what some others have done and do it with show picture commands.
Such as creating an image that holds your character portraits, has a name field, and window for text. This way you can make the face appear in any way other than simply to the left or right, or slightly arched, with out needed a custom script. You can then set up your window to be the size of a text window.
To make it easier just make the entire image the size of a screen (I forgot the size, if you can't find the dimensions copy a title/gameover screen), and make the majority of it transparent, so that at the bottom is your face and text window. That way you really don't ever have to play with positioning.
Though, depending on your face you may have to play with your text commands. For example you'd have to make the window invisible with the text options in the event editor, and in the text fields you might have to indent by a certain amount based on what you've changed. You can make some really nice fields this way, but it's generally easier to do scripts listed above.
Finally, if I somehow manage to make a portrait, how can I include them in my game, such as having the pictures appear during conversations, etc.
Depends on the script you use. If so you have to follow the directions. Portraits may have to go in a specific folder, such as Pictures > Portraits, or simply under Pictures. Others may require a different folder and location all together. I saw one script that auto faced whenever the name window had a specific value, for example putting \n[Aluxes] (or whatever, don't remember) would automatically face the image with the portrait image named Aluxes.png, but with that you were screwed if you wanted multiple face sets. Like an angry Aluxes, or happy Aluxes, etc.
For my really annoying method, you import images to your pictures folder. Simply go to Material Base, you'll see two columns when you click on it, on the left will be folders on the right the resources inside. Go to the left and select the "Pictures" folder, then select "Import".
Find your face set windows as if you were opening them, and you'll have imported them. That works with all resources btw, and you may have to do that with some scripts.