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yay comics

i make comics now too

I'm thinking about making this into a thing
here's a couple i felt like scanning




do you guys think i should use tumblr for this, or something else...?
The last one seems kinda flat. The third panel was sorta.... what's happening? And the punchline was like.... Okay?

Tumblr could work. Also, it's better to have some consistency in things, such as the panels.

It feels more of some minor doodle you drew cause you were bored (which it most likely is)
thanks for the input, daxis and daxis
these were doodles made when i was bored. But this is still something I'd like to get into more
What's your hook? There are already hundreds of sad stick-figure comics floating around the internet. What's distinguishing this one from the others?



action":1ujf5r7p said:
thanks for the input, daxis and daxis
these were doodles made when i was bored. But this is still something I'd like to get into more

how does this even respond to what was said

its like "oh well, deal with it"
yeah, I was thinking about that. Whatever i write is usually pretty influenced by pictures for sad children. I'm writing a bunch of different story ideas and comic ideas out the branch from this.
So i think i'm going to make a comic about a guy in the metro trying to get into relationships with friends, and has a caffiene addiction
what would be cool, is instead of some random comic, try to make a REALLY good looking one, spend amounts of time on the panels, and make it show
this way you can only do good ones, because shitty comics aren't worth spending time on, AND it's different from all the other crappy drawn ones!

make it have style~
there are a million stick figure comics on the internet
tbh if I saw this on the internet I would roll my eyes and go "look at this its just another really not funny stick figure webcomic"
the last thing the internet needs is more stick figure comics
I know this is kind of me being a dick I would rather read something that isn't three panels and stick figures. I know that you are better than this. What Tomas said, its all about style~
Yeah i actually think you guys are completely right.. While it's fun to write stick figure comics, everyone makes them. I dont think it'd be very hard to do something stylish. I whipped up some sketches:

of maybe what these guys could look like. They aren't hard to draw, so I could still make stuff as quick as I come up with my ideas.

however, I don't want to fall into a sort of american super hero outline just because it's more realistic drawing. So this may take a bit more thought, as how to put it into comic form
Style doesn't mean realistic, if you want to make a sort of "joke-comic" which is centered around gags and supposedly funny-stuff the last thing you need would be realistic characters because realism has a serious quality to it, you'll have some guys reading your comics then when you make a joke they take it serious. Like your second panel with the stick figures, if it had realistic characters it wont even be remotely funny, just like...Okay...2 friends...

Stick comics are common but you can still use other simplified cartoon methods even if your characters are "ugly" or wierd this will actually make their actions more humorous.

Alternatively if you insist on using realistic characters, your comedy needs to be serious comedy, where your jokes are not really like gags but more of sarcasm, satire, you know non slap-stick/ punch line stuff. It needs to have edge and more "mature" humor.

You will actually have to study Humor itself for that sort of thing and watch more shows like Daria which has a lot of sarcasm and mature humor. or if your going for something with a more weird/unique style you could watch more Beavis and Butthead which is silly but the fact that those guys are idiots ( and their drawings bring this out ) makes it funny.



Either way no one enjoys reading half-assed work and I'm saying this in the nicest way possible.

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