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[XP] Working on Tilesets

Hello, by now some people know my expressed love for the breeze template, and so after getting annoyed that the regular RTP doesn't look good with it, I tried redoing the RTP for Breeze. So far I've got just the Tilesets and windowskins pretty well done. But for some reason I don't think it looks right either.
http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc26 ... sshot2.png[/img]http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc260/VGGuru/sshot1.png[/img]
Now granted, the Tilesets need to be resized and the shadows aren't working (most things won't let me pick the shadow color when I import...). As far as the windows go, I was debating on using the same drawing style as the tilesets, but eh...

Comments and suggestions please.

[EDIT] Screw making it for breeze, how about C & C for just the tilesets?
Well, let me stop you right here.
One, you can't breezify resources by smudging them - it just looks horrible.
Two, there are Breeze tilesets out there, and more underway by a bunch of people.
Three, the RTP, even if you make it look good, is just too big for Breeze characters.
Just hold tight and don't worry, everything'll be alright eventually.
Alright I updated the first post...

Just C & C on the tileset please. I just want to know if you like the smudged-ness of the tileset, then I can make a character template using that style...
Personally I like it, I think it would look even better if you exaggerated some color, maybe do a brightness/contrast treatment on it. of course, the characters would have to somehow match
about the not letting it choose whats a shadow, its because part of the tileset you're importing at the time is transparent, so rmxp assumes whatever you want transparent is already partially transparent.
This work has a lot of potential.  I always like stuff that attempts to go "outside the box" and beyond standard conventions.  I think you did a good job at making the tilesets appear more "painterly" without looking like you just smudged the crap out of stuff in Photoshop.  Sprites in this style should stay away from the heavy black outlines, like I think you did in the last screenshot.  However, the sample sprite looks too blurred, even for this tileset.  You can have sharply defined features and sprites without the use of black/high contrast outlines.
you know, i actually like the "horrible" watercoloring, i would try maybe slightly desaturating the watercolor style one, as watercolor doesnt tend to be so vivid. and a question, are you manually editing these or are you just applying filters, cause honestly, it looks like its filters.

and for the shadow problem in general, you have to manually go thru and make sure all the shadows are the exact same solid color, if youre keeping the transparency, when you import the chipset, the transparent/semi-transparent color picker doesnt come up, so you either have to select and delete the shadows, and fill with a semi-transparent grayish color(preserve transparency setting when doing a fill) , or fill the transparent area with a color and use a solid for the shadows.
Breeze is a shitty template anyway.

That aside, this is probably the only filtered tilesets that I have seen that look decent. There's a style to these that most filtered sets don't reach.
Ok, so it looks like I'll fix up the watercolor one according to the suggestions.

And yeah, its all filters, I'll fix it up manually later after its done. As far as the good work with the filters, thanks, but I'm just minding my boundaries. Autotiles and stuff need to be fixed though, they don't work with the same effects.

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