Hi guys, I've seen a few questions pop up about this, so I thought I'd show people how to do it (for those that don't already know). I'll start with the more basic things, and work from there.
As you probably know, RPG Maker VX uses the old 3x4 layout for their characters. Luckily, Enterbrain kept the scripting that allowed developers to use any size sprite they like. This is Aluxes in RMXP, and then in RMVX.
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd98 ... aluxes.png[/img] http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd98 ... verted.png[/img]
Deleting the first column is all that's needed. So, copy the last three columns into a new 384x384 (because there's 8 characters to an image) image, and your done. Bear in mind that you wont be able to put the new 32x32 pixels characters in with the 32x64 ones.
Windowskins are similar. The shape of them them too were changed, but they still do the same job. The new ones however, allow for overlays (horizontal stripes are standard) that allow you to take the 'normal' look out of your game. If you have an old windowskin you'd like to transform, here's how.
> Background:
Copy the entire left half of the old windowskin into a new image and resize to 64x64. The ratio is the same, so you shouldn't lose any gradients, however windowskin's with a graphic background may be slightly distorted. Copy that resized image into the top left corner of the new windowskin.
> Borders
The borders of the new windowskins are bigger, but you can still copy them. Delete the old ones, and copy the new ones into the correct spots. Be careful to place the borders close to the edges, else the background will show from underneath.
RMVX doesn't support fog in the same sense. You can't just open it up and chose one. You need a script. Open your script base, F11, and go to the class above main called '( Insert here )'. Delete everything from there and paste in this;
(Credits can be found withing the code.)
You then need to put this into your pictures folder and restart RPG Maker VX;
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd98 ... /fog01.png[/img]
As you probably know, RPG Maker VX uses the old 3x4 layout for their characters. Luckily, Enterbrain kept the scripting that allowed developers to use any size sprite they like. This is Aluxes in RMXP, and then in RMVX.
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd98 ... aluxes.png[/img] http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd98 ... verted.png[/img]
Deleting the first column is all that's needed. So, copy the last three columns into a new 384x384 (because there's 8 characters to an image) image, and your done. Bear in mind that you wont be able to put the new 32x32 pixels characters in with the 32x64 ones.
Windowskins are similar. The shape of them them too were changed, but they still do the same job. The new ones however, allow for overlays (horizontal stripes are standard) that allow you to take the 'normal' look out of your game. If you have an old windowskin you'd like to transform, here's how.
> Background:
Copy the entire left half of the old windowskin into a new image and resize to 64x64. The ratio is the same, so you shouldn't lose any gradients, however windowskin's with a graphic background may be slightly distorted. Copy that resized image into the top left corner of the new windowskin.
> Borders
The borders of the new windowskins are bigger, but you can still copy them. Delete the old ones, and copy the new ones into the correct spots. Be careful to place the borders close to the edges, else the background will show from underneath.
RMVX doesn't support fog in the same sense. You can't just open it up and chose one. You need a script. Open your script base, F11, and go to the class above main called '( Insert here )'. Delete everything from there and paste in this;
# ** RMXP Fog feature for RMVX
# Allows you to display a fog on map. Brings back the "old" Fog feature from
# RPG Maker XP.
# 08-03-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) © Hevendor of rmxp.org
# 09-03-2008 Edits/additions by Jirbytaylor
# 09-03-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) Edited by Hevendor
# Version 1.2.3
# Latest update: fixed bug where fog showed over pictures
module Fog_Map_Settings
# * Configure Fog numbers -> names for setup timesaving. Format:
# {fognumber => 'fogname.extension', ...}
# where 'Fogname.extension' must be the name of a fog picture and its extension
# located in the pictures folder
Fog_names = {1 => 'fog01.png'}
# * Set maps you wish to have fogs here. Format:
# Fog_maps = {mapID => Fog number, mapID2 => Fog number, ...}
Fog_maps = {1 => 1}
# * Set up fog settings. Uses (fog number => setting, ...) format
# - Opacity - Opacity of fog, ranging from 0 (invisible) to 255 (opaque)
# - Zoom - size of fog. '1' is normal not '100'.
# - Blend - 0 - Normal, 1 - Add, 2 - Subtract
# - SxSy - Scroll settings. (fog number => [sx,sy] ...)
Fog_opacity = {1 => 90}
Fog_zoom = {1 => 3}
Fog_blend = {1 => 2}
Fog_sxsy = {1 => [4, 4]}
class Game_Map
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_reader :map_id # map ID
attr_reader :fog_ox # fog oX
attr_reader :fog_oy # fog oY
# * Alias Definitions
alias hev_fog_feature_map_update update
alias hev_fog_feature_map_initialize initialize
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
@fog_ox = 0
@fog_oy = 0
# * Update Fog
def update_fog
if Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps.include?($game_map.map_id)
@fog_ox -= Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_sxsy[Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps[@map_id]][0] / 8.0
@fog_oy -= Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_sxsy[Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps[@map_id]][1] / 8.0
# * Frame Update
def update
class Spriteset_Map
# * Alias Definitions
alias hev_fog_feature_initialize initialize
alias hev_fog_feature_create_viewports create_viewports
alias hev_fog_feature_dispose dispose
alias hev_fog_feature_update_viewports update_viewports
alias hev_fog_feature_update update
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# * Create Viewport
def create_viewports
@viewport4 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 544, 416)
@viewport4.z = 9
# * Create Fog
def create_fog
@fog = Plane.new(@viewport4)
if Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps.include?($game_map.map_id)
fog_number = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_maps[$game_map.map_id]
@fog.bitmap = Cache.picture(Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_names[fog_number])
@fog.opacity = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_opacity[fog_number]
@fog.zoom_x = @fog.zoom_y = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_zoom[fog_number]
@fog.blend_type = Fog_Map_Settings::Fog_blend[fog_number]
# * Update Fog Sprite
def update_fog
if @fog != nil
@fog.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8 + $game_map.fog_ox
@fog.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8 + $game_map.fog_oy
# * Frame Update
def update
# * Dispose of Fog Sprite
def dispose_fog
# * Dispose
def dispose
You then need to put this into your pictures folder and restart RPG Maker VX;
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd98 ... /fog01.png[/img]