Original code by poccil, rewritten by Dargor
Version 1.0
Some eye-candies for you today!
This script allows you to draw text with a gradient font color. By default, the gradient effect is on, but you can turn it off easily. Everything is explained in the script header!

- You can set 2 gradient colors
- You can choose between 3 gradient styles. (Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal)
# ** Gradient Font Color
#Â Original code by poccil
#Â Rewritten by Dargor, 2008
#Â 05/07/08
#Â Version 1.0
#Â - 1.0 (05/07/08), Initial release
#Â - Paste this above main
#Â - Edit the font's gradient parameters in a window like that:
#Â Â Â Â self.contents.font.gradient = true/false
#Â Â Â Â self.contents.font.gradient_color1 = color
#Â Â Â Â self.contents.font.gradient_color2 = color
#Â Â Â Â self.contents.font.gradient_mode = mode
#Â Â Â Â Â Â Modes: (0 : Vertical, 1: Horizontal, 2: Diagonal)
#Â - By default, the gradient effect is on. You can turn it off by
#Â Â setting the @gradient flag in the Font class to false. (*line 47)
#Â Â This script is compatible with both XP and VX
# ** Font
class Font
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :gradient
 attr_accessor :gradient_color1
 attr_accessor :gradient_color2
 attr_accessor :gradient_mode
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_font_gradient_initialize initialize
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(*args)
  @gradient = true
  @gradient_color1 = Color.new(255,255,255)
  @gradient_color2 = Color.new(255,255,255)
  @gradient_mode = 0
# ** Bitmap
class Bitmap
 # * Alias Listing
 alias dargor_vx_bitmap_gradient_draw_text draw_text
 # * Draw Text
 def draw_text(*args)
  # Original font color
  if self.font.gradient
   # Get text variables
   if args[0].is_a?(Rect)
    x = args[0].x
    y = args[0].y
    width = args[0].width
    height = args[0].height
    text = args[1]
    align = args[2].nil? ? 0 : args[2]
    x = args[0]
    y = args[1]
    width = args[2]
    height = args[3]
    text = args[4]
    align = args[5].nil? ? 0 : args[5]
   original_color = self.font.color
   alpha = original_color.alpha.to_f if alpha.nil?
   # Create temporary text bitmap
   text1=Bitmap.new(width, height)
   text2=Bitmap.new(width, height)
   text1.font.size = self.font.size
   text1.font.name = self.font.name
   text1.font.color = self.font.gradient_color2
   text_height = text1.text_size(text).height
   text_width = text1.text_size(text).width
   return if text_width < 1 or text_height < 1
   # Temporary remove the gradient effect
   self.font.gradient = false
   text1.dargor_vx_bitmap_gradient_draw_text(0, 0, width, height, text, align)
   self.font.gradient = true
   # Apply gradient effect
   case self.font.gradient_mode
   # Vertical Gradient
   when 0
    text_position = (height / 2) - (text_height / 2)
    for i in 0...height
     if i < text_position
      opacity = 0
     elsif i > text_position + text_height
      opacity = 255
      ratio = ((i - text_position) * 1.0 / text_height)
      ratio -=(0.5 - ratio) * 0.5
      opacity = ratio * 255.0
      opacity = 255.0 if opacity > 255.0
      opacity = 0.0 if opacity < 0.0
     text2.blt(0, i, text1, Rect.new(0,i,width,1), opacity)
   # Horizontal Gradient
   when 1
    text_position = (width / 2) - (text_width / 2)
    for i in 0...width
     if i < text_position
      opacity = 0
     elsif i > text_position + text_width
      opacity = 255
      ratio = ((i - text_position) * 1.0 / text_width)
      ratio -= (0.5 - ratio) * 0.5
      opacity= ratio * 255
      opacity = 255.0 if opacity > 255.0
      opacity = 0.0 if opacity < 0.0
     text2.blt(i, 0, text1, Rect.new(i,0,1,height), opacity)
   # Diagonal Gradient
   when 2
    text_position = (width / 2) - (text_width / 2)
    for i in 0...width
     if i < text_position
      opacity = 0
     elsif i > text_position + text_width
      opacity = 255
      ratio = ((i - text_position) * 1.0 / text_width)
      ratio -= (0.5 - ratio) * 0.5
      opacity = ratio * 255
      opacity = 255.0 if opacity > 255.0
      opacity = 0.0 if opacity < 0.0
     text2.blt(i, 0, text1, Rect.new(i,0,1,height), opacity)
    text_position = (height / 2) - (text_height / 2)
    for i in 0...height
     if i < text_position
      opacity = 0
     elsif i > text_position + text_height
      opacity = 255
      ratio = ((i - text_position) * 1.0 / text_height)
      ratio -= (0.5 - ratio) * 0.5
      opacity = ratio * 255
      opacity = 255.0 if opacity > 255.0
      opacity = 0.0 if opacity < 0.0
     text2.blt(0, i, text1, Rect.new(0,i,width,1), opacity)
   # Draw gradient text
   self.font.color = self.font.gradient_color1
   self.font.color.alpha = alpha
   # Temporary remove the gradient effect
   self.font.gradient = false
   # Temporary remove the gradient effect
   self.font.gradient = true
   self.font.color = original_color
   self.font.color.alpha = alpha
   self.blt(x, y, text2, text2.rect, alpha)
   # Dispose gradient text bitmap
   # The usual
Credits and Thanks
Credit poccil for the original code.
Hope you like it!