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[XP/VX] Database Limit Breaker

hmm... still you can make another project do your maps and stuff and rename em to something new somehow?
999 maps in a game near the end can be bad...you might have to resort to reallllly huge maps with the limit instead of smaller maps hmm...

so how do you use a map... say I have 999 maps... I take mapp 900-999 out and make new maps 900-999... how do I link them to my old 900-999 maps?
Nice job. If your able to make an online game with rpg maker, we can have a World of Warcraft or somethin....nice job again DEFINITELY using this!!
I think maps can go to 999 but probably no further than that. This is DATABASE limit breaker so only weapons, actors, items, armors and maybe skills! Also Switches and Variables.



It will probably not be done since the way used to break the limit on other areas of the database does not work with maps.
You can use more maps than 999 in a game, but I doubt you'll be able to see more than 999 maps in the script editor.
If you want to use more than 999 maps in the game you can use scripts like my Disc Changer.

- Zeriab
This is such an excellent script addon for big games, and I will definitely use it for my game. A quick question: Will it be able to break other database limit like 99999HP(like if someone wants to create a character with 200000HP)?

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