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[XP/VX] Database Limit Breaker

Database Limit Breaker XP/VX
Version 2.0
by Woratana
Release Date: 24/01/2009

It is the script for the big game that need more than 5000 variables/switches,
or more than 999 weapons, skills, and anything in Database window. :)

I finished this script for a while, but haven't post it till there is request in here:

This script worked with both XP and VX.

Actually, I'm not sure how many people will use this script.
But I hope it will at least ensure people who want to make big game,
that they don't have to worry about the database limit.

However, this script cannot make more than 999 maps.

Enjoy~ :lol:


1011 actors~ :D

I hosted my script in my blog, so I can make an update easily.
http://boxsuke.exteen.com/20090224/xp-v ... y-woratana

There is instruction step-by-step in the script.
# 0. Open your project (Recommend to backup your database files first~)
# 1. Paste this script in above 'Main'.
# 2. Set DLB_USE_IT = true
# 3. Setup database files you want to change, in DLB_DATA
# 4. Run your game...
# 5. When it finished, game will close itself
# 6. Close your project *without save*
# 7. Open your project again. Done!
# 8. Set DLB_USE_IT = false. Leave this script in your Script Editor.

* I'm not sure if there's limit in database size.
As far as I test, 20000 weapons works fine~*

* You may run to 'Script is hanging' error, if the script use too long time to process.
(e.g. when you create 20000 actors, and you already have only 10 in database)
My suggestion to fix this is to create new actors about 1000 - 5000 at a time. :)
Do that again and again until you get the number you want.

Mostly, it takes overall about 1 - 3 seconds when I tested to create 1000 data for all database files,
and 6000 for switches and variables.

Author's Notes
Free for use in your work if credit is included.

Bug Report?
Please give me these informations:
- What is it says in error window?
- When is it get error? (Right after run game, when you choose something, etc.)
- Do you have any other scripts running in your game that may crash with this script?



That is awesome, and works perfectly. I had no idea things like that were possible with just scripts alone. I thought you would need a special .DLL.
Pretty Awesome! Unlimited Characters!!!

EDIT : Hold on... does that mean that you can go over the 20 character limit in Dargors Party changer? Is it still compatible?
Thanks :)

Well, that depends on how the Party Changer script written.
This script will help to increase data number more than limit (999) only.
Nice job Woratana! This was a really good idea. :thumb:
I probably won't have 20 000 different actors in my game, but it's nice to know i have the possibillity. :P
I didn't tried your script woratana. But judging by my experiments with VX, you are limited to 9998 skills and when I try go go beyond 10 000 actors, the database crashes.

Anyway, I'll have to test a little more.
Good job on that! :thumb:

cute but unnecessary imo lol, especially since when u have that many (even unused) slots open in the database it takes it forever to load up >> when do u ever really need more than 999 character slots anyways XD ..... when do you even need that many come to think of it XD still, fun experiment. Like those korean cats that glow under a black light.
Holy crap! Awesome, this is one of the things I'm looking for, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!

yea too bad about the map thing...

but with the extra switches/variables and stuff could you not just make a new game and import everything over into it?
and just start with a duplicate last map or something and have everything else different?
Thanks for all comments! :D

Actually, 5000+ switches and variables are not worked yet.
I have to write a little snippet to edit those classes.
My laptop is not working right, so I will do that when I got it to work.

About, 999+ maps. I got the way to do that.
It will require a little more effort, but works perfectly. :D
0. Open your project (Recommend to backup your database files first~)

How can I backup my current database before I start my script?
Whenever you want. :P

I will have to say that it needs more effort to use 999+ maps.
Because Editor (RMXP Program) itself won't show extra maps.

(And to edit software is illegal + I don't know how. :P
so I can't do it that way~)
so hmmm... how does it let you make more than 999 maps than???

since I really think that it is stupid for it not to support more than 999 maps...
but then again if you do multi part games would it not be easier?

hmm seriously though how to edit extra maps lol
Just change map's name back to MapXXX.rxdata (XXX is number between 000 to 999)


As I said, it needs effort to do this.
So I suggest you to use extra map for something like intro maps / cutscenes,
because you probably don't have to edit it once you finish making it. :D

Thank you for viewing

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