Triple Triad XP Version: 1.3
By: Maximusmaxy
Insert this script into your game to play the classic FFVIII minigame Triple Triad! Create/Edit/Modify your own cards and play your own way!
In the demo
To install the script simply paste it above the main, and below the default scripts. Make sure to copy the TT folder from the pictures folder in the demo, into your own pictures folder. If using the audio supplied in the demo, make sure that too is copied into your BGM folder. Instructions on how to use the script are in the demo.
Credits and Thanks
Maximusmaxy - Writing the script
Squaresoft - Making Triple Triad, Graphics and Audio
Author's Notes
If you have anything you would like to add to the script or if it is incompatible with other scripts, feel free to tell me. If there are any error's or bugs (There are ALLOT of rules variations, too many to test myself), screenshots of what happened are always helpful. Also if you had added anything to the script i'd love to know and maybe implement it into mine aswell.
I'm not active on this forum so feel free to email me or add me on MSN/Windows Live Messenger:
Terms and Conditions
I wouldn't use this script in commercial games unless you want to be sued by Squaresoft/SquareEnix.
By: Maximusmaxy
Insert this script into your game to play the classic FFVIII minigame Triple Triad! Create/Edit/Modify your own cards and play your own way!
- Modifiable Card Database
- All the rules and modes of the original game(Plus, same, combo...)
- New modes(2 player, Gold for winning)
- New rule(Cross)
- Random and/or specific card selection for events
- Custom Image Support(Insert your own card pictures)
- AI Modes(Smart, Aggressive, Defensive)
- Custom Triple Triad menu, with cards owned and win/loss ratio

In the demo
To install the script simply paste it above the main, and below the default scripts. Make sure to copy the TT folder from the pictures folder in the demo, into your own pictures folder. If using the audio supplied in the demo, make sure that too is copied into your BGM folder. Instructions on how to use the script are in the demo.
Credits and Thanks
Maximusmaxy - Writing the script
Squaresoft - Making Triple Triad, Graphics and Audio
Author's Notes
If you have anything you would like to add to the script or if it is incompatible with other scripts, feel free to tell me. If there are any error's or bugs (There are ALLOT of rules variations, too many to test myself), screenshots of what happened are always helpful. Also if you had added anything to the script i'd love to know and maybe implement it into mine aswell.
I'm not active on this forum so feel free to email me or add me on MSN/Windows Live Messenger:
Terms and Conditions
I wouldn't use this script in commercial games unless you want to be sued by Squaresoft/SquareEnix.