Rye.jp's CBS Starter Pack Version 0.6
Now with Enemy HP Bars! No Lag!
And spoilers
I got Rye.jp's CBS added a few other scripts and such, edited it to slow down some attacks, jump back speed, etc. Worked on it for about three days. It uses charsets for the hero's, and enemy battlers, as well as icons for weapons. Still trying to figure out if or how to make enemy charsets use weapons and 'float' like ghosts, bats, birds, etc.
Credits go to:
Rye.jp (Original CBS Creator)
Reaper* for finding this script and sharing it
DerVV for his scripts;
[limit Break (DVV)]
['Attack' Option Replacer]
Alistor for his Limit Break menu
Sephiroth Spawn for his slanted bars
Clive for editing Sephiroth's Bars
Cogwheel for HP/SP/EXP Gauge Script v1.00 and Remodeled Damage Display
Raziel for Enemy HP Bars
MistTribe for compiling these scripts into a starter pack.
Wazakindjes for getting rid of lag and fixing various things.
I hope I credited everyone accordingly. Ask me if you want me to add certain scripts to this little CBS Starter pack.
Heres a screenshot of 0.6 in action.
TERMS of use:
Last but not least the download links.
Requested. How do I add ranged weapons?
Well first go down to line 329 in cbs.
Add a comma to 21 and add the number of the ranged weapon.
I tested it and I KNOW it works now. :thumb:
Now with Enemy HP Bars! No Lag!
And spoilers
I got Rye.jp's CBS added a few other scripts and such, edited it to slow down some attacks, jump back speed, etc. Worked on it for about three days. It uses charsets for the hero's, and enemy battlers, as well as icons for weapons. Still trying to figure out if or how to make enemy charsets use weapons and 'float' like ghosts, bats, birds, etc.
Credits go to:
Rye.jp (Original CBS Creator)
Reaper* for finding this script and sharing it
DerVV for his scripts;
[limit Break (DVV)]
['Attack' Option Replacer]
Alistor for his Limit Break menu
Sephiroth Spawn for his slanted bars
Clive for editing Sephiroth's Bars
Cogwheel for HP/SP/EXP Gauge Script v1.00 and Remodeled Damage Display
Raziel for Enemy HP Bars
MistTribe for compiling these scripts into a starter pack.
Wazakindjes for getting rid of lag and fixing various things.
I hope I credited everyone accordingly. Ask me if you want me to add certain scripts to this little CBS Starter pack.
Heres a screenshot of 0.6 in action.

TERMS of use:
The script is available free of use. You may inform us of its use at your option.
Editing of the script is fine, but there are no guarantees on these edits.
You may include this script in your game, be they shareware or freeware. But you must display the name of the website and url in the end credit roll of the game or in an attached text file. A example of this being RaiseField http://rye.jp/
As far as posting the website and site name, please phrase it to avoid any misunderstandings.
Rye, MistTribe, Alistor, Reaper*, DerVV, Sephiroth Spawn, Clive, Cogwheel, and Raziel do not assume any responsibility to damages that occur to the use of these scripts.
These scripts may be updated at any time.
Editing of the script is fine, but there are no guarantees on these edits.
You may include this script in your game, be they shareware or freeware. But you must display the name of the website and url in the end credit roll of the game or in an attached text file. A example of this being RaiseField http://rye.jp/
As far as posting the website and site name, please phrase it to avoid any misunderstandings.
Rye, MistTribe, Alistor, Reaper*, DerVV, Sephiroth Spawn, Clive, Cogwheel, and Raziel do not assume any responsibility to damages that occur to the use of these scripts.
These scripts may be updated at any time.
Last but not least the download links.
Requested. How do I add ranged weapons?
Well first go down to line 329 in cbs.
I tested it and I KNOW it works now. :thumb: