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[XP] New Saharian

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This is a new movie I'm working on using RMXP. Yes, it is non-playable, so if you don't like these, don't whine.

The mist was thickening. There was no sky to be seen; only thick white clouds, covering the earth like a curtain that couldn’t be pulled apart. They could feel it coming, and only They knew what was about to happen, but They could not speak. Not to the people, anyway. They could only sit and wait with the beauty of the past, the horror of the present… and what become of the future, They did not dare to think…

She awoke with the ground shaking madly. An earthquake, she thought automatically. She tried to get up but she could not move. A force like all the wind in the earth was holding her against her bed. A terrible sense of panic cut across her like a knife. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out.
Just as her eyes came to a close, it stopped. The shaking ended and the force was lifted, but the scream she tried to utter earlier came out. There were several screams and yells from outside as well, and her mother actually banged into the room.
They stared at each other for a few moments, then her mothers eyes turned to the window, and widened. They both looked out of the window and into the sky, where it should’ve been dark and obscured with clouds. Instead, all the stars were shining brightly… but there was something odd about the stars. They were a pale gold colour, and bigger than ever. But they saw no more; for at that moment everybody in the world fell into a dreamless sleep, and the night was forgotten.

*** I might edit this a little bit over time, I know it doesn't give much about the actually storyline, but I don't really want to give much away..  :wink:

I always tend to start out my projects in the middle of a forest...
http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/8706 ... ot2qo2.png[/img]
This one's bad, excuse my laziness  :crazy:
http://img386.imageshack.us/img386/3104 ... ot3ak5.png[/img]
I've never seen anything of the like
http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/4545 ... ot4ay1.png[/img]
Such a gentleman
http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/6771 ... ot5pk4.png[/img]
"It's a bog! He's lead us into a swamp!"

Coming soon...

I'm in the middle of editing this topic, so please don't tell me that I need more info, because it's coming  :wink:
Those maps looks beautiful. But the story didn't really gives anything much. One question though, is this going to be full-length movies or sorts of series with chapters??
I'm in the middle of editing this topic, so please don't tell me that I need more info, because it's coming 

5.) Do Not Post Prematurely NEW as of 3-07-08
Do not post your topic prematurely. Any and all topics being posted with notes like "Not finished, do not post yet" or "Editing in progress" will automatically be locked and the user warned. If you're not ready to post in regards to fulfilling the requirements of the forum rules, then it's a better idea not to post anything until you are.

It would be a good idea to read the forum rules before posting. While early projects has changed a bit, the rules for this forum remain the same. Sent ya' a warning via PM as well. PM me when you have the COMPLETE topic and I'll reopen.
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