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[XP] Map Zoom + Diagonal Scroll (Either - Simultaneous Prefered)

Well, there goes my first request here  :tongue:. I hope it's nothing too complicated for scripters  :huh:.

The title is rather self explanatory. There is no way to zoom with events and the scroll map feature is very blocky.

-The Zooming-

It allows, well, to zoom. I will not likely need more then a 50% (150%) zoom in, if that changes anything. Note that only the map should be zoomed, not the pictures, although if that is too hard, you may skip it. It would also be appreciated if there was possibility of controling acceleration/deceleration (as a bezier curve instead of linear) but again, it is optional if too difficult.

-The Scrolling-

It should be as smooth as possible. Meaning that the scroll should travel in a straight line from point A to point B. The script seen here does not work as such, because it only uses perfect diagonals (45o degree) and goes horizontal/vertical for the remaining tiles, thus having a two-step scroll. I need it as one-step. Also, speed control of the scroll is important and if possible (if not too much trouble), acceleration/deceleration on top of that.

The ideal would be to directly scroll to a (x, y) location on the map, although I can manage with just a relative scroll (+x, +y). It would also be nice to have a "recenter_player" feature.


As said in title, it would be best if both actions could occur at the same time, zoming and centering on one event in call script. I realize that may be difficult, but if anyone could do it, then it would be nice.


I hope I gave all details needed. If not, I'll gladly supply them. Thank you for your time.
Wow, I need something almost identical to this.

Wachunga made a scrolling script a while back that did the things you're mentioning. Problem was, it was very finnicky, only doing it when "it wanted to".

I can't search for it right now, but if you search for it, I think it's like "Wachunga's Map Scroll" or "Map Pan" or something, it could help out whoever works on this.
For the scrolling...

Why dont you just change your main characters graphic to "none" (if he is on the map swap him for an event or something) and then modify his passability... and move him... mh?
Avadan":28jmbj26 said:
For the scrolling...

Why dont you just change your main characters graphic to "none" (if he is on the map swap him for an event or something) and then modify his passability... and move him... mh?
I was going to suggest this. You could move an event to where the player is, give it the same graphic and make the player invisible then move it down left or upper left or what ever.
Unless it's not for cutscenes.

Never seen a map zoom script, I don't think one was ever made else it would be a 20 page topic with everyone saying how great it was and what it is compatible with and a list of errors.
The Wachunga script is the one I linked to in the "here" (although it's so small - hard to see). But again, it only supports 45 degree diagonals. Which happens to be the little problem of having a invisible trough character, since it would be difficult to have the 410 angle of, say, a +3 +7 movement (sin(3/7)=41 right? Didn't have trigonometry classes yet).

So yeah, we just need to make those two compatible  :smile: (oh, and does Trebor's zoom affect pictures?). Could be usefull for alot of people.
I'll make one real quick. I have been looking for scripts to sharpen my math skills. :)

Ok. I remade a better autoscroll. It can work to any angle, and speed is a little more precise (now you just send a bigger number).

# ** Game_Map

class Game_Map
  # * Constants
  Map_Width             = 20
  Map_Height            = 15
  Default_Scroll_Speed  = 16
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :seph_autoscroll_gmmap_scrlg?, :scrolling?
  alias_method :seph_autoscroll_gmmap_update, :update
  # * Scrolling?
  def scrolling?
    return seph_autoscroll_gmmap_scrlg? || @autoscoll_rest != nil
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If autoscroll target exist
    if @autoscroll_rest != nil
      # Update autoscroll
    # Original update
  # * Frame Update: Autoscroll
  def update_autoscroll
    # Change from scroll speed to distance in map coordinates
    distance = [@scroll_speed, @autoscroll_rest].min
    # If vertical scroll
    if @display_x == @scroll_target_x
      # If scroll up
      if @display_y > @scroll_target_y
      # If scroll down
      # Subtract distance
      @autoscroll_rest -= distance
    # If horizontal scroll
    elsif @display_y == @scroll_target_y
      # If scroll left
      if @display_x > @scroll_target_x
      # If scroll right
      # Subtract distance
      @autoscroll_rest -= distance
    # If diagonal scroll
      # Gets angle
      a = Math.atan2((@scroll_target_y - @display_y).abs, 
        (@scroll_target_x - @display_x).abs.to_f)
      # Get 360 Degree Angle
      a2 = a * 180 / Math::PI
      if (@scroll_target_x - @display_x) > 0
        a2 = (@scroll_target_y - @display_y) > 0 ? 360 - a2 : a2
        a2 = 180 + ((@scroll_target_y - @display_y) > 0 ? a2 : -a2)
      # Gets other triangle sides
      so = Math.sin(a) * distance
      sa = Math.cos(a) * distance
      # Get difference
      if a2.between?(0, 45) || a2.between?(135, 225) || a2.between?(315, 360)
        x_move = sa
        y_move = so
        x_move = so
        y_move = sa
      # If move left
      if @display_x > @scroll_target_x
      # If move right
      # Gets y distance
      # If move up
      if @display_y > @scroll_target_y
      # Get differences
      diff_x = (@scroll_target_x - @display_x).abs
      diff_y = (@scroll_target_y - @display_y).abs
      # Reconfigure autoscroll rest
      @autoscroll_rest = Math.hypot(diff_x, diff_y)
    # If 0 difference
    if @autoscroll_rest == 0
      @autoscroll_rest = nil
  # * Scroll to character
  def scroll_to_character(id = 0, speed = Default_Scroll_Speed)
    # Get character
    if id == 0
      chr = $game_player
    elsif @events.has_key?(id)
      chr = @events[id]
      p 'Unable to find character for id: ' + id.to_s
    # Scroll to target
    scroll_to_target(chr.x, chr.y, speed)
  # * Scroll to object
  def scroll_to_object(object, speed = Default_Scroll_Speed)
    # If x and y definable attributes
    if object.respond_to?(:x) && object.respond_to?(:y)
      # Scroll to target
      scroll_to_target(object.x, object.y, speed)
    # Return bad object
    p 'Object undefined x and/or y method: ' + object.to_s
  # * Scroll to target
  def scroll_to_target(x, y, speed = Default_Scroll_Speed)
    # Return if already scrolling
    return if scrolling?
    # If invalid position
    if $game_map.valid?(x, y) == false
      p 'Bad x and y position given: ' + x.to_s + ', ' + y.to_s
    # Gets target display x & y
    max_x = ($game_map.width - Map_Width) * 128
    max_y = ($game_map.height - Map_Height) * 128        
    t_display_x = [0, [x * 128 - Game_Player::CENTER_X, max_x].min].max
    t_display_y = [0, [y * 128 - Game_Player::CENTER_Y, max_y].min].max
    # Get differences
    diff_x = (t_display_x - @display_x).abs
    diff_y = (t_display_y - @display_y).abs
    # If x difference 0
    if diff_x == 0
      @autoscroll_rest = diff_y
    # If y difference is 0
    elsif diff_y == 0
      @autoscroll_rest = diff_x
    # If diagonal movement
      @autoscroll_rest = Math.hypot(diff_x, diff_y)
    # Save coordinates and speed
    @scroll_target_x = t_display_x
    @scroll_target_y = t_display_y
    @scroll_speed = speed

# ** Interpreter

class Interpreter
  # * Scroll to character
  def scroll_to_character(id = 0, speed = Default_Scroll_Speed)
    $game_map.scroll_to_character(id, speed)
  # * Scroll to object
  def scroll_to_object(object, speed = Default_Scroll_Speed)
    $game_map.scroll_to_object(object, speed)
  # * Scroll to target
  def scroll_to_target(x, y, speed = Default_Scroll_Speed)
    $game_map.scroll_to_target(x, y, speed)

I haven't yet made it compatable with the map-zoom. That's on my list of things to do for tomorrow.
I try ^_^

Well it seems it is slightly flawed. How, I still don't know, but I made an event to scroll the map down and to the right, then made it autoscroll to an event, it scrolled x but not y and ended up making the screen shake like it was having a ceisure (sp?). I know it just itsn't using the right sides for the triangle, so I just got to get those fixed and that should be it. A little trig refresher. lol
SephirothSpawn":3n2h5nyh said:
I try ^_^

Well it seems it is slightly flawed. How, I still don't know, but I made an event to scroll the map down and to the right, then made it autoscroll to an event, it scrolled x but not y and ended up making the screen shake like it was having a ceisure (sp?). I know it just itsn't using the right sides for the triangle, so I just got to get those fixed and that should be it. A little trig refresher. lol

Didn't your old tilemap rewrite have a map zoom option? (I use it, but I haven't tried the zoom feature on it yet)
This is generally frowned upon to bump someone else's topic but ... pretend I'm saying something meaningful here because I would like this incorporated very much big time <3

Also: I love you. And have a nice day?
It'll be awhile before I get the map zoom and merge. I am extremely backed up with commercial request and such, and have a lot of angry customers. That and the SDK/MACL/RMXPSE & personal projects, I figure if I script 14 hours a day, in 4 months I might be caught up to where I need to be.

I'll try to get to this in a week or so. Just keep on top of me.
SephirothSpawn":3l16i06f said:
It'll be awhile before I get the map zoom and merge. I am extremely backed up with commercial request and such, and have a lot of angry customers. That and the SDK/MACL/RMXPSE & personal projects, I figure if I script 14 hours a day, in 4 months I might be caught up to where I need to be.

I'll try to get to this in a week or so. Just keep on top of me.

Don't stress yourself out, Sephy. I love you again and I will give you my special baby oil neckrub to ease your weary back! Just lemme go get a bus schedule ...

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