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[XP](Hopefully)Simple Default Battle Script Mod Requests[And Class Change fix]



I hope the subject isn't too vauge, but rather then one large request, I have several hopefully minor requests. I'll try and explain what I want in as much detail as possible, and I'm trying not to ask for anything too big. So far, this is all for a proof of concept thing relating to an idea between me and a friend, so I don't want to ask for something big, only to have him decide RPG Maker XP wouldn't work out, though having these would probably be more convincing. The examples in this use sprites from the Kirby series(as I figured if I could do this, I might be able to attempt a decent RPG interpretation of some of the gameplay mechanics in the series), if copyrighted graphics or characters are against the rules of this forum, I apologize. Likewise, I apologize if this brings to mind any "my first RPG" style games based in the series.

I'll try and sort these in order of assumed difficulty, using spoilers as I've seen in other threads. I've also provided mock-ups to try and demonstrate better, and ended long winding detailed ones with basic summaries. Thank you to whoever reads this at all, and a big thanks to those who look into helping me.

Note: These all would be applied to an unedited RPG Maker XP script file. I am not sure what I would need to merge if I were to find other scripts I'd need, but I will try and avoid conflicting scripts later on.

This is part of a concept I've had for how to make a pseudo side view battle system, without any real big changes to the default battle system.

First, the normal battle graphics for the four party members would be moved to the right side of the screen. I'm pretty sure even I could do this if I remembered where the code was, and as such this is pretty much not part of the request. (It would be a little easier if the values to edit the positions were pointed out, I guess)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leMain.png[/img]
It would end up looking something like this, with monster groups set up to the left in the editor, and smaller battle graphics.

The big request is for the game to make the battle graphic of a player/enemy using a spell dissapear when using an attack or skill. The casting animation would consist of the character jumping and vanishing, then the target animation would have the character reappear, perform an attack, then jump back and vanish, and then the battle graphic would fade back in.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leATK1.png[/img]
The casting animation would be positioned so it gave the illusion of the actual battle graphic moving, but in reality, it's simply hiding it.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leATK2.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleATK3.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleATK4.png[/img]
The actual casting animation would end up looking something like this, as when it is used, the battle graphic dissapears.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leATK5.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleATK6.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleATK7.png[/img]
Then the target animation would play, while the battle graphic is still hidden.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leATK8.png[/img]
Once the target animation finishes, the original battle graphic would simply fade back. Alternatively, the casting animation could possibly be played again in reverse to give the appearance of jumping back, but honestly, simply having it fade in would be good enough for me.

Some attacks would not involve the character jumping to the target, such as a long distance attack. To account for this, the script would have to read a value, either in a separate file or perhaps seeing if an attack or skill has the "Distance Attack" attribute, which probably would be the first in the list.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... ltATK1.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleAltATK2.png[/img]
For example, this is a mock up of an attack that hides the battle graphic during the casting animation, then makes it reappear as soon as the casting animation is done, while the target animation works normally.

A few skills(as well as items) would not make the battle graphics disappear at all. Perhaps it'd be easiest to have a second "attribute" that labels an attack that uses the fading battle graphic script I first mentioned(I'll call it the Fade Attack attribute). Thus, all skills, items and such that are not of the Distance Attack or Fade Attack attribute would not use the script at all.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... ARRIER.png[/img]
A skill that simply makes a barrier appear wouldn't use any of those, for example.

If possible, monsters would also apply to these same rules, checking attributes and making the monster graphic dissapear/fade in/etc.

I hope this wasn't badly written or too complicated. It seemed simpler when I thought of it. To summarize it, if an attack has the attribute/element "Fade Attack", then the battle/monster graphic dissapears when the cast animation plays, then fades back when the target animation finishes. If it has the "Distance Attack" attribute, the battle/monster graphic dissapears during the casting animation, but appears right after it's finished. If it doesn't have either attribute, it acts like normal.

Another not totally needed thing, but it goes along with the concept I'm using with the battle graphic thing above. If a character, for example, leaps at an enemy, it would be odd if they bounced off or directly hit the enemy visually but actually missed. This request is to have it so, if an attack misses, it plays an alternate attack animation.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leHIT1.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleHIT2.png[/img]
This would be the animation "013:Cutter Slash".
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... leHIT1.png[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/DinnerSonic/RPG/ExampleMISS.png[/img]
This would be the animation "014:Cutter Slash(Miss)"

Summary: If an attack misses, change the target animation to "Target Animation+1". If 013:Cutter Slash would play normally, play 014:Cutter Slash(Miss) in it's place.

Maybe I am overlooking something, but when I try and change a character's class, they still keep their old skills, even though they lose the class specific weapons and armour. I simply want a way to change a character's class that automatically gets rid of the old skill list, and gives them the new class skills they would have at that level. Otherwise, we have things like, say, a White Mage knowing BOLT2, as I think I've seen used as an example. I'm pretty sure an older RPG Maker had this as a default option. I probably could do this with a long winded event set, but I plan on using a large amount of ways to change a character's class, so I would think a script change would take up much less room.

Summary: A way to change classes that gets rid of the skills of the old class and grants the skills the class would know by the character's current level.

I'm not sure if this is complicated or not, but all I want for this, is for monsters who attack defending characters with an attack that is not of the Projectile or "Grab" attributes to take minor recoil type damage. This damage would depend on either the character's physical defense, or Max Hit Points if physical defense can't be used. This does not need to apply to monsters, but if it does by default, that is fine.

Summary: Attacking a character who is defending with an attack that isn't a "Projectile" or "Grab" element causes minor damage to the attacking character, depending on the target's Physical Defense or Max HP if Physical Defense isn't a usable statistic.

I've heard of a few scripts that change the battle graphic when the character dies, however, what I would want is one that changes both when the character has the Death status, and changes to a different one when the character performs the "Defend" command.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ ... pleDEF.png[/img]
When the defend action is performed by the character, the battle graphic would, for example, change from the graphic "CutterKirby" to "CutterKirbyDEF". If the "Death" status effect is in place, it would change to "CutterKirbyDEAD". At the end of the turn or battle, the battle graphic would change back to "CutterKirby" if it was in defend mode. Likewise, it would change back to "CutterKirby" if the character was revived.

Summary: If a character is defending, change to an alternate battle graphic. If the character is dead, change to a second alternate battle graphic. Switch back to normal when not defending or dead.

I've seen some reflect type status scripts, however, if I use the pseudo side battle system with characters appearing in attack animations, then it would be odd for reflect to cast that same skill back. It would end up making the character turn into the enemy and attack the enemy as the enemy. The solution I figure would be to have a Reflect status effect that counterattacks with the entry right after the spell that hit the player. Reflect would only work on skills that use the "Projectile" attribute, as it should not reflect a sword to the face.

Example: Enemy casts the skill 030:Fire Arrow(An attack with the Projectile attribute who's cast animation is of the enemy launching the arrow) on a character with the Reflect status effect. It does no damage to the character, and the character casts the spell 031:Fire Arrow[Reflect], a weakened fire arrow which simply uses an animation of the fire arrow falling on the target.

Summary: If an attack of the "Projectile" attribute hits a character/monster who has the Reflect status effect, the target takes no damage, and the next skill on the list is cast back. Example: 030:Fire Arrow would be countered with 031:Fire Arrow[Reflect].

This is far from required, but goes along with that Reflect concept mentioned. If a character is one of two classes(though I assume the script could allow for more then two if needed) and uses the Defend command, they gain the Reflect status effect automatically. The plan would be for only two characters to have classes that do this("Mirror" Kirby and a "Mirror" helper character), though I probably could expand this to make harder classes gain a defense up status effect when defending.

Example: Mirror Kirby uses defend, and gets the Reflect status effect. Stone Kirby uses defend, and gains the Barrier status effect. These would probably only last one turn.

Summary: Certain classes automatically gain certain status effects when they use the Defend command.

Lastly, a quick question. Are there any easier ways to tell a common event which character is being targeted with a skill or item that uses it? Would it be possible for it to know if the character is defending, so a class change that changes battle graphics won't mess up a script that changes battle graphics when defending? Right now I simply have attacks and items that inflict a "Target" status effect on the character, when it's successful, the common event that is used checks for a character or characters who have that status effect, does it's thing, and takes away the status effect. However, this causes a short time when players change from [Normal] or [Poisoned] to [Target], which is weird.

Thanks again for the help. I didn't expect to end up asking this much, but I tried to avoid asking for things that would be complicated or cause major changes to the default battle system. I hope this doesn't break any rules, and that I didn't accidentally request a script that's already been done.

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