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[xp]Dynamic Effects Engine

Dynamic Effects Engine
Authors: Ryex
Version: 1.61
Type: Effects Engine


this is a scripting tool. as such on its own it dose NOT add any functionality to a game.
it is a frame work that provides methods and structure to create dynamic effects based on the player or an events position relative to a source on the map.

Version 1.2
- massive lag decrease
Version 1.6
- improved speed added Dynamic position sources and the mute feature
Version 1.61
- fixed bug with dynamic position source


  • Provides a frame work for creating dynamic effects based on the player or an events position relative to a source.
  • Under 300 lines of code (comments not included)








this is a scripting tool a description of the classes and how to use them is located in the script


this is a tool it is as compatible as you make it

Credits and Thanks

  • Ryex
  • Blizzard (for giving me a piece of code that I should of seen myself)

Author's Notes

Please! ask questions, poke through the code, make suggestions for the improvement of this tool. and comment!

NOTE: I (the author) do NOT provide support in this thread. I simply don't visit this forum often enough. another scripter may be able to offer help but if you need support from me please go here

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