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Xilef's Windowskins

After months of spriting, ripping, Prt Sc'ing and editing I have created another rmxp.org themed window skin that is 3x more excellent than the last one.
It is based on the board index with the same colours as the "Default" Forum skin.
I used a new secret template with new boarders and markers so I could create an excellent rmxp.org look-alike window skin. For example, with thi new window skin template I could create the selection box's edges to perfection without stretch when in-game.
The battle cursor is an edit of the 001-Blue01 window skin, it was originally going to be static, then a blue to green change, I settled with the colour tone change, so it doesn't look like it can cause a sejure and still shows a colour change.
As for the continue message marker, that is an edit of the drop down menu window button on the forum. It was been made wider and smaller so it can fit in the edge of the window skin.
As for the main background, that isn't based on the pixel voodoo skin but it has been taken from the old window skin template and toned a tad so the white font can be viewed everywhere in game, in the menu, title screen and the message screen.
The window skin edge is from the board index, it's thicker on the left because if you look at the forum catagories on the board index there is a seperate box on the left o each forum, I thought it would be nice to include.
The window skin is named 001-Default01, it will be the first of many window skins using my new template and will be seperate to all my other window skins.

I actually posted Default window skin in the first post, it's been fixed.

Created Spivtastic themed window skin.
This time I didn't use the reduce/increase window button for the message continue marker but the arrow from the drop down menus at the top of the board.
It is mainly a recolour of 001-Default01, though the battle cursor has changed in it's pattern very slightly. For the first frame it suddenly changes from dark green to light green, this is because the colours I used were from the Spivtastic forum theme and the board headers are green but some of them suddenly go to lighter green toward the bottom of the gradient.


003-Voodoo01 is based on the "Pixel Voodoo: Main" form theme. It is a light edit of 001-Default01 as the two are very similar on the forum.
This should probably be 002-Voodoo01 the fit in with the ordering of the forum themes on the drop down menu, but I created this one after 002-Spivtastic01.




I've merged the two threads together as its pointless in you having seperate threads for the same subject.

Thank you




Even so there really is no point in having seperate threads for the windowskins you create....by holding it in one thread such as this, people can find your resources alot easier and the attention to your name will increase...thus your thread will become increasingly popular.
Those 3 were being compiled specially for a seperate rtp pack to the others and they used a different template.
I might tidy up post one anyway. Catagorise it and such.
Oh my, these are actually quite good. o_o
And I thought you where going to post something similar to that awful smiley-pirate thing I saw in Battle World RPG. Great job. :D

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