They did get married, and have a Daughter: Aurora-Rose Levesque.
WWE is scripted in terms of the damage done, as well as the storyline. What actually happens is up to the wrestlers in action, with the exception being the big spots, which are scripted. Other than spots, the performers in the ring decide what the crowd sees. It's a profession that takes years of training to be able to do anything they do, as it takes alot of skill to be able to slam someone on their back without lifting them up. If mistakes are made, peoples' careers could be at stake. Just look at Hayabusa. Or Bret Hart. Or, just go on YouTube and look at all the near misses New Jack had.
Besides, a good portion of the guys in WWE have no mic skills or wrestling ability, and the writers are laughable. WWE is getting better though. All they need is a way to resurrect Chris Benoit and hire Kurt Angle and have them rematch. Best match in history.