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Writing ~ Tips and Tricks edition

This thread is designated for any links that have helped you as a writer. This includes any sort of guides, tutorials, papers, etc. that you feel could benefit our community.
This doesn't include "OMG THIS WAS SO INSPIRATIONAL" type things. I've collected my fair share, and I'll try to update this post to include everyones links.

Writers Niche
A collection of really well done articles on a lot of different and useful things.
Name Generator
Yeah, you can pretty much just google 'name generator' and find something like this - but this one has been my trusty sidekick for a long time. I don't recommend using generators to come up with long-term names, but it's good for ideas and fillers.
Okay, so most of the content on this site is...well, really crappy - but if you want to start a collaboration project with your friends it's a really nifty service; and every couple of months the community votes on a collaboration, and the site publishes it. On that note...
Self publishing site that's pretty okay if your looking for that type of thing. They also offer like a an editing service, and a formatting service - and I think you can order those without actually publishing a book with their site.
Strange Horizons
Okay, so I'm sort of breaking my own rule of no inspirational links, but this site really does have a good collection of stories and articles. I haven't ever on this site, but I'll often reference their short stories for people with really bad syntax.
Rhyme Dictionary
Admittedly, it's not SUPER RELIABLE for REALLY GOOD rhymes, but it's a really great resource all the same if your trying to piece together a poem and suck at thinking of rhymes. Don't ever let your poetic self rely on the words it gives you, so your making poems AROUND rhymes, but it's really handy and I suggest it.
Get a freakin' blog, if you don't have one. Just apply concepts you use in your story writing, and express them in blogs about your actual life. My blog has furthered me as a writer, and I honestly believe it's an effective way to get in the habit of writing regularly in different forms.
Young Writers Society
A community geared towards a younger audience of writers.

Post your links, and I'll add them. Soon I'll need spoilers, but I'll get to that.  :straightthumb:

Have a good one,

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