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World Map System

Ok, for anyone willing to undertake the challenge this is WIDELY open to help, i'd supply the neccessary graphics for what would be needed for a demo.

Ok here's the jest of it, for my game, i have this crazy idea of which i HAVE made a mock up of, so it will be able to explain things better. What i was thinking for my game was a Final Fantasy XII Style World Map Selection screen in which you can only use in certain area's (eg. towns, inns, docks, special maps, etc), but i cant do this myself because it would require a much larger scripting ability than i already possess.. Ill explain it in further detail, but first here is the mockup i have devised for your viewing pleasures, and yes all the art is done by me:

http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2451 ... ockig4.jpg[/IMG]

Ok, now after looking at that, you must be thinking to yourself "well it looks pretty but i dont exactly understand". heres where i explain in further detail O_o ..

1: well, first off we look at the layout of the map, theres land, and then theres shore which leads to water, in the land there is 'zones', the whole map is covered by a graph, each graph represents a map that will actually be in the game, but it wont be accessible through the map system, thats a bit to much work for something i request, i mean this is alrdy a pretty heafty bag of meat im requesting alrdy, i sort of feel greedy in a wayO_o ..

2: in the graph squares of which each map is located, when your in a specific map, you will have a 'location' marker when you bring up the map, but if you are not in a level of which you can use a transport system (eg. getting from one big yellow dotty to the other big yellow dotty) you wont be able to do anything "interactive" with the map menu but see where you are in the world at that point.

3: ok well obviously the name in the bottom left is the area of which you are in, this could be figured out by a mentally handicapped rabbit if indeed rabbits had an as sentient brain as humans do.

4: the green dots are, well i guess a good word for it would be 'waypoints', so we will use that word, ok... The green dots(lol) are waypoints, waypoints are maps in which you can use the map menu to goto other waypoints that you HAVE discovered. if you have not discovered a waypoint, it wont appear on your map... waypoints can be many things, towns, cities, dungeons, ruins, oasis', special areas, you name it...

5: the red circle with arrows pointing in is the 'current location' marker, if possible it should rotate around the dotty you are currently at, just to add effect...

6: the little skipped lines between zones are accessability lines, i didnt put this into much detail in the mockup but i guess i can put it into detail here a bit more, Green Skipped Lines signify that you can go both ways between the two zones that the line connects, Blue Skipped Lines signify that you can only go one way, and not the other, and arrows will accompany alongside the skipped line signifying which way you can go.. Red Skipped Lines mean that you cannot access the zone that the line leads to because you have not yet discovered any markers in that zone yet...

7: If possibly, accessibility to other markers could be put into a <V^> fashion (left down up right, similart yo WASD)

This was my thoughts on a possible script that would help me out with my game and in the long run help out this entire community as a whole... if someone is willing to take on this task it would mean lots to me and im sure MANY other people on .org!

Also to bring this to the attention of scripters of whome read this thread, i will be recruiting scripters to help out with Legacy Complete, because i am starting it over fresh..

Note: if possible, should be able to be compatible with a large map image, the map for my world is 3144 x 2664.. x_x''

My e-Mail and MSN: Shadowsx2eso@gmail.com
My dART: http://www.adventchildvii.deviantart.com

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