Actually, that's a dress design that's been common in fantasy games and movies for a long time now. Not only has it been recreated in games & movies, but in the "doll" (i.e. pixel) sprites all over the net.
As much as Berserker's sprite is original, his dress design isn't. It will probably pop up here and there several times as it has inspired many works of art and media. To say that any sprite you see with extremely similar characteristics must be stealing from Berserker's design is not necessarily true.
Rather than an immediate attack and demand for credit, perhaps it would've been a better idea to point out the similarity and let Fate judge if he wanted to change his design to something more distinctinve or post the model he based the dress on. (And, yes, that dress does look like a dress from World of Warcraft, albeit with a little less detail - which would be expected given the difference in sprite size).
I just realised I didn't comment on Fate's templates ...
They're great! I think you've got the proportions right and they certainly look very unique. The Elves seem a lot like Blood Elves in WoW, so it'll be pretty cool to see a game featuring them. Good luck, and keep going!