Womb to Tomb
Developer Comments:
Hello and thank you for taking the time to check out Womb to Tomb, this game is currently still being developed and does not have a Alpha build available for testing, you can however take a look at the screenshots and videos to get a better idea of the game so far. Feel free to leave any feedback in the comments below.
Gameplay Features:
- Rich and simplistic environments
- Simplistic pause system
- Character emotion sounds
- Footstep sounds
- Text over character(s)
None as of yet, when available they will be posted here.
The Alpha build is not done yet, please check back in at a later time.
Genre: Adventure/Scroller
Womb to Tomb is a comedy video game about a piece of poop called miss poopsies, you will play as her and follow in her adventures from her comfortable womb to the depths of the body and beyond!
Womb to Tomb is a comedy video game about a piece of poop called miss poopsies, you will play as her and follow in her adventures from her comfortable womb to the depths of the body and beyond!
Developer Comments:
Hello and thank you for taking the time to check out Womb to Tomb, this game is currently still being developed and does not have a Alpha build available for testing, you can however take a look at the screenshots and videos to get a better idea of the game so far. Feel free to leave any feedback in the comments below.
Gameplay Features:
- Rich and simplistic environments
- Simplistic pause system
- Character emotion sounds
- Footstep sounds
- Text over character(s)
Miss Poopsies
Miss Poopsies lives in her comfortable womb where she has all the food she will ever need, she spends most of her time eating, playing in poop and sleeping but it seems that will change very soon.
Miss Poopsies lives in her comfortable womb where she has all the food she will ever need, she spends most of her time eating, playing in poop and sleeping but it seems that will change very soon.
None as of yet, when available they will be posted here.
The Alpha build is not done yet, please check back in at a later time.